What to do in high-school to get into a good college?

First time poster here on CC, so just had a couple of "quick" questions. First of all, I am currently a 14 year old male and attend Valley Christian Highschool (not sure if nationality matters but I will say it's an over-represented minority in terms of engineering). Any-who, I am currently A straight a student (too early to matter, but still), and here is my class list currently.</p>

<p>Algebra 2 (non honors, was too difficult)
Ancient World History (Honors)
English 9
Bible (the school is called Valley CHRISTIAN)
Introduction to Computer programming
P.E (have to take freshman year)
I am aware I am not taking many honors, but for next year for sure will take honors chem, honors english, AP Euro, AP Computer science, and what ever other except for math.</p>

<p>My EC's currently include robotics (programming java, and Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays from 3:00 to 7:30, a thing called tech 1 where we machine stuff like wood and what not, and programming club. I excel in electronics and hardware and I am hard at work at backing up this passion. My current unweighted is a 4.0 and weighted a 4.14. Not the best but have time to improve and plan to work A LOT harder in the future. The reason I dropped out of Alg 2 honors (Btw does not count as a failed class on transcript), was because I took geometry over the summer and moved a bit too fast but hopefully I'll do better here (also started tutoring). Anyways I'm like 6'2 & a pretty good swimmer and don't know whether to continue robotics or join the swim team.</p>

<p>Anyways, what should I do to aim at top universities. Mainly eyeing California Institute of Technology, MIT, Stanford, and the other top schools with safety being Georgia Tech, and other similar schools. I'm really reaching for the stars and with the great school i'm at don't see it as an impossibility. </p>


<p>Taking Algebra 2 as a freshman is very good. It sets you on course for Precalculus sophomore year - and if you’re worried Honors will be too hard, register for it but review&prepare through Khan Academy and perhaps online classes over the summer. Then Calculus AB junior year and BC senior year if your school does them in sequence. (Check with your guidance counselor). But as long as you have Calculus AB and do well in it, you’re good for all top schools in engineering.
You can also try taking a couple classes via dual enrollment (or PSOE or other programs that allow high school students to take classes at a local community college or university) when you’re a junior and a senior. Do stay involved at your HS if you choose this path, though.
Practice on the PSAT sophomore year in order to score well junior year. Take subject tests when you’re done with a subject. While most schools only require two tests, if you can spread them out, you can also
If you’re aiming for a tech school robotics would be a good EC to have. Develop something that is uniquely your own. Read Science Fair Season and The Boy Who harnessed the Wind to see what top tech schools look for, and How to be a high school superstar for general advice. Don’t neglect the humanities and take English, History, and Foreign Language seriously as top schools will expect excellence in all fields. Right now you don’t have a foreign language so you need to “catch up” over the summer and try starting in Level 2 next year. Otherwise, start in level1 sophomore year, but try to get to Level4 by Senior year (meaning you’d have to work on one level over one summer - Concordia Language camps are fun and easy ways to cover one level, Middlebury’s summer language is an intense, selective way for the dedicated learner.)
Swimming is good too - if you can do both swimming and robotics, and do well in all your classes.
Finally, while you may be ORM, in the Midwest and in some schools, you may be counted as URM depending on your ancestry, so keep that in mind. :)</p>

<p>Sorry for the super late response, kinda forgot about this thread. Anyways, thanks alot for the advice, really means alot. Anyways, I am about to join my swim team, do robotics and happy I have all a’s right now. (My school has quarters, but grades don’t reset or average, it’s more like a checkpoint), and I really got a grip on all my subjects. Next year I plan to to take regular trig/pre-cal, honors english, ap euro, honors chem, and ap computer science. I have also been involved in alot of volunteering teaching elementary school kids about robotics, programming, and tech in general. If I keep a nice straightforward schedule, maintaining grades and ec’s I should be fine, now? Also, I have this thing at my school called dual credit, where you get college credits straight out of class, so that is something I may consider next year. I am actually part of a program called “AMSE” at school, and next year am doing a science project, which I have already begun which is going on for me. What are the 5 priorities in your opinion (no order, just in general)?
Ec’s and doing something that makes me stand out?
Time Management/ Organization
High standardized test scores
Lot’s of ap’s and hard classes </p>

<p>Also, we go from Alg to geometry to alg 2 to trig to calc ab to calc bc. Most of the people in my class are sophmore and juniors while the “regular” class is supposed to be algebra 1. Thanks alot man :smile: really helps!</p>

<p>Good bet: Immediately read <em>How to Be a High School Superstar</em> by Cal Newport, as mentioned above. It will clarify a lot. Good luck! </p>

<p>@tinyvoices‌ </p>

<p>Unfortunately, your math track isn’t considered advanced, if you’re aiming for top tier colleges. I wouldn’t suggest skipping any, at this point, but you need to know that just because juniors at your school are in the same class as you, it doesn’t mean you’re ahead of your competitors. </p>

<p>Hmm, good to know. I do have some friends who are freshman in bc calc, so yeah this is my plan, what do you think </p>

<p><a href=“Imgur: The magic of the Internet”>http://imgur.com/VfOKuKe&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The link doesn’t work~</p>

<p>Oh, cc blocks links. Here, just remove the space before .com</p>

<p>i.imgur .com/VfOKuKe.png</p>

<p>Should I aim for more ap’s. Looks like 3 aps and 1 honors each year. I think I could do either ab or bc trig if I try very hard this year.</p>

<p>Also, I could do AP Euro next year. I’ve heard it’s hard but it’s one of those areas I excel in, but not really related to my major interest. Next year I could join ap euro and honors trig.</p>

<p>Also, I go to a “religious” school so 4 years of bible is a requirement.</p>

<p>Had a good Semster. Finsiehd with a 103% in alg 2 and got mid-high a’s on my finals. Phew</p>