<p>what should i do if CMU is my #1 choice but I was waitlisted?
thanks in advance</p>
<p>Do you have the priority waitlist option?</p>
<p>Send in your latest grades, some new recommendations if you can, and a new essay expressing your interest in the program you have applied for.</p>
<p>how big of a factor do 3rd quarter grades play?</p>
<p>All grades matter. Many other factors go into the decision such as space and quality of other students so it is hard to tell.</p>
<p>ok I got priority waitlisted if that helps
but my 3rd quarter grades arent too good :(
i went down from a b- to a d in one class
and from a c+ to a c in another class
all my other classes stayed the same</p>
<p>Um, I have to say, the D is somewhat bad news. The priority waitlist does give you a non-negligible hope of getting in, but it's still competitive and the fall in your grades will definitely not do you any favors. Sorry.</p>