What to do now?!

<p>So I got in to Western CT State University and my audition is scheduled for April 8. The plan was to have a vocal audition for the jazz program, which they advertised on their website. Only now, (without even taking it off their website!!) they tell me that they got rid of the jazz voice program and so my only option is to go there for classical. This really upset me because if I wanted to do classical, I could have gone anywhere. The jazz program was like the only thing that attracted me to that school. And so now its March and I'm completely screwed! (I have no other backups!) </p>

<p>What are my options?? Seeing as to how its a longer application/audition proccess for music majors, isnt it too late to apply anywhere else?? this was really upsetting.</p>

<p>Yes, I checked their website, and it does have the audition material for jazz posted. Weird. How did you find out that they discontinued the program?</p>

<p>I'm a little confused about your situation, though. Did you only apply to one school? Were you that confident you'd get in? You said you were accepted to the school -- Was that academic acceptance only? Were you now auditioning to get into the music program? Do you still have to or get to audition, except using classical audition material?</p>

<p>One suggestion would be to go there for a year, and apply next year as a transfer student elsewhere. I think many of your first year classes might be the same anywhere. Maybe they still have some jazz programs - just not the major? So for one year, you could take any jazz studies classes, join the jazz band, or whatever, and not lose too much.</p>

<p>Sorry i wasnt clear.. Well I had applied to another school, and didnt get in and Western was the only other one i had applied to. I got in academically, and the music audition is scheduled for April 8th. As of now, I will be auditioning classical, even though the whole thing that drew me to Western was their jazz option.</p>

<p>I will probably be doing a year there, like you said, and then transfer... but it just kinda stinks that this happened in the first place!!!</p>

<p>JazzSinger...just curious...why are you auditioning so late? What happens if you don't get past the audition and don't get into their music program? Auditions at Western began last fall. April 8 is probably their last audition date. Free advice...when you apply for transfer next year, begin your application and audition process much earlier. The situation you describe here would have been much easier for you to solve had you auditioned earlier on (you would have known THEN about the change in programs). In the meantime...good luck, and prepare well. Hope your audition goes well.</p>

<p>Any reasons you only applied to two schools and auditioned so late to one? Seems like you chose a very risky path and it cost you.</p>

<p>You might see if there isnt a school you like that you can still get in and then apply to switch majors later rather than start in a school you really dont want to be in and doesn't offer the major you want.</p>

<p>At worst you could kill off some courses in your first semester, and then audition and get into the jazz program in the second semester.</p>

<p>Just an alternative to think about.</p>