what to do when visiting

<p>I'm a student admitted ED and I'll be visiting Ithaca soon. I made a college visit a while back but it wasn't in-depth at all. What are some specific things you recommend doing? What should I arrange with the admissions office (class visit, tour etc.)?</p>

<p>i'd say try some of that famous ice cream . . .</p>

<p>visit the museum. i wanted to when i was there but it was closed that day. sit in on a class, i visited during fall break so i couldn't. arrange meetings with professors in the depts in which you're interested. i've been emailing with the chair of classics and he's been so nice. soak up ithaca. check out that incredible supermarket they were all ranting about in some other thread.</p>

<p>the ice cream is definitely fabulous. go to the library, it's beautiful. have some coffee. look at the clocktower. have a good time.</p>

<p>go party, get drunk, have fun</p>

<p>listen to the chimes at mcgraw tower. check out the gorges. walk through the arts quad. eat in a dining hall. ask someone on north campus to let you into a dorm so you can peak around. talk to random students. get ice cream. other stuff...</p>