<p>Pretending law school isnt my only real option, what kinds of careers would be available for a double major in math and poli sci. I have some idea but im interested in hearing other opinions.</p>
<p>Math is a great major to have.
[What</a> can I do with a Math major?](<a href=“http://math.rice.edu/MathMajor/mathmajortext.html]What”>http://math.rice.edu/MathMajor/mathmajortext.html)
There is some statistics involved in poli sci. Analyze and develop political science models?</p>
<p>Lot’s of jobs doing policy work in politics or IR require a strong knowledge of math. You would probably be able to find work at the NSA, CIA, DIA, or Defense Analysis Center if you had a graduate degree.</p>