What to do with parents china?

Reminds me of my very first china. :smile:



:triumph: You are a :imp:!

That is legimate folk art! :kissing_heart:

A couple of nights ago I dreamed about my every day dishes breaking and then I started hunting around/trying to decide if I should pick up some extra pieces before it gets discontinued. I have 12 of all the normal pieces, and I rarely have that many people over, so I think I’m good unless I find a super-sale. I find it funny that we must have had 30 cups in our cabinet, but people would always gravitate to the “expensive” ones that matched the dishes. They are bigger than normal coffee cups. I only have 4 of them, but they seem to be favorites.
I mentioned it above, but pattern is Denby Azure Coast.


Contact Replacements, Ltd. My in laws sold them a lot of their china etc when they went into assisted living. They live in Durham, NC so it wasn’t too far away. None of the younger generation needed more stuff. https://www.replacements.com I have a full set of Spode Christmas Tree and got a set of Wedgwood Chinese flowers when I got married. I never use the Wedgwood. I have a set of plain white dishes from Crate and Barrel that we use every day. I do use the holiday china from the day after Thanksgiving until New Years Day. My husband’s last name is Noel so we have lots of holiday decorations in the house. I too have a bunch of the Department 56 snow village gifts from MIL. I finally had to tell her we didn’t have room for any more.

Replacements is great but you have to pay the shipping…and packaging. And if they don’t want the stuff and you want it back, you have to pay the return postage.

Now…if you live in the Greensboro area…that’s another story.

These pictures of china are so cute! Love the bunny plate.

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My MIL passed all of her Wedgwood Gold Florentine (remnants of service for 16 plus serving dishes) on to my DD who uses it as her everyday china. Even her cat dines from that china. MIL doesn’t know about this. She was scandalized at the thought of daily use, and said she’d pick up a nice everyday set for DD the next time she was at Ross or Target. DD who doesn’t want more dishes in her life, quickly reminded Grandma that she does have everyday china already - pieces in a lovely hand-painted pottery pattern that she found at Goodwill. DD’s grad school pandemic-bubble pals prefer to eat their Grubhub takeout at DD’s apartment because, well, she actually has decent plates to eat off of. :smile:


Man! This made me laugh sooo hard! Our cats would not mind to dine off my plates, but we had to nip that in the bud. They are served their morning dollop of yogurt on plates that look like this:



Our cat did not eat off china, but only because I never thought of it. (Bad mom.)

OTOH, when I cat sat for a friend, I made sure to text her a pic of how I was spoiling her classy kitty:


Oh those Persians!! :slight_smile: Little kid has one of these… she eats only very expensive Persian catfood. :slight_smile:

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Looks like Tiffany and Hermes single dishes will be evaporating off RealReal very fast!! :wink:

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I’m in love with her!!! That face and attitude is priceless!!!

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I worked with a woman who would buy 1 place setting of china when she really liked it and she would use that until she wanted another. She also had a really nice stoneware place setting at the office and made herself a nice lunch on that every day. Then she’s be in the lunchroom washing and drying that setting!

So cute. She figured is she didn’t eat off nice china when she was 77, when would she!


It took me a while to get this photo from Happykid. One lightly cracked Wedgwood Gold Florentine plate repurposed as paint palette while completing her theater design MFA. Knowing her, she’ll probably give it a formal title, and hang it on the wall eventually. :wink: