What to Expect at Auditions?

C24 has their first in-person audition this weekend (Theater and performance major, for EA admission), and I’m trying to figure out what to expect. Do parents go to the audition, too? (I mean, obviously not in the audition room, but are they meant to hang out somewhere? I don’t want to drop my kid off and then find out I was supposed to stay).

The school has my kid’s headshot and resume already, but should they bring copies anyway? Is there anything else we should know?

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Yes, parents generally hang around at the audition. At some schools, parents are given an info session while their children audition. At others, parents tend to hang out in the holding room with other parents and children. Generally you’ll find parents holding down the fort with their children’s bag while they’re in the room. It’s always advisable for your child to have extra hard copies of their headshot and resume–you never know how many people are going to be behind the table!