What To Expect on Dorm Move-in Day??

<p>Anyone have some tips for move-in day? We've read all of the transportation information, but as I understand Sunday, August 24th is a crazy day in College Station. Anyone know what we should expect?</p>

<p>Yes, it was crazy the past couple of years. My older daughter was in the Honors dorms and there is almost no parking surrounding those dorms and, yes, we finally did park for the slightest time in a parking lot close by that was not designated and got a $40 parking ticket-- along with a lot of other cars. My recommendation is to arrive early and bring a dolly, if you can.</p>

<p>Bring a small cooler with iced down water bottles! The dolly is a very good idea. Bring a tool kit or at least a hammer and screwdriver. Adjusting the dorm beds up and down is much easier with tools. If you can wait a little, getting there later in the day can make everything go smoother (although it gets hotter sometimes). Everyone lines up at the opening bell and this creates bottlenecks. It can be chaotic. Try to have a plan about where you want to look for parking. Don’t just show up and wing it. Good luck! </p>

<p>Love the idea for iced down water bottles – I am going incorporate that this year! I remember the heat well!</p>

<p>One thing that worked out well for us is to have a plan for the furniture set up prior to arrival, check in & get your key then move the existing furniture in the room where you want it prior to bringing any of your own stuff into the room. By the time you add 6 people into a dorm room ( everyone seems to bring two helpers -aka mom & dad) & all the stuff in the room, it is impossible to move! Measure items that will take up floor space (fridge, any extra furniture,floor lamps, etc) so you leave room for it when you haul it in. Also there are no elevators - so plan for lighter loads.</p>

<p>Most dorms don’t have elevators, true. Hullabaloo is the one exception. It was heaven riding up and down last year!</p>

<p>^ ok officially jealous !</p>

<p>For dorms without an elevator when does the dolly come in use? If you park by the dorm and unload I guess you can use the dolly to take it from the curb to the door. That really won’t be far for us. Am I missing something?</p>

<p>Check & double check your list of “supplies”! We stopped at Target for a TV cable and it looked like a hurricane had hit it! They were out of everything!!!</p>

<p>They had some dollies to borrow when we moved in - we only used it for one load to include the fridge. But we were happy to not carry that fridge quite so far :slight_smile: </p>

<p>For us, we’ve never been able to park “close”, so the dolly could be loaded up and save long hot sweaty walks. I hope you get to park as close as you think. I’ve done this 4 times now but maybe I’ve been unlucky.</p>

<p>The dolly was invaluable. We had to park quite a bit away and it saved us trips. We had everything in rubbermaid containers to bring up so all the small stuff was contained. Great idea on the water and bringing a set of tools. My husband was the tool man for our daughter and her roommates.Good luck, just bring your patience and a strong back!</p>

<p>We’re moving in a day before (Saturday) the official move-in day (Sunday). What kind of a difference, if any, will that make??</p>

<p>Moving in early is totally different. There is very few students moving in then. Keep in mind that the extended parking areas nearest most dorms usually do not apply for early move in. Hopefully, they told you where you can park. Saturday move in is very laid back! I’m not sure the dollies are a available for borrowing. I would bring my own.</p>

<p>I went ahead a bought a 1 day parking permit just in case, so not too concerned about the extended parking and all. And we weren’t planning to depend on the meal plan - it’ll be sandwiches in the cooler for lunch, and a nice, cool, relaxing dinner locally before me drive back to Dallas.</p>

<p>I talked to the transportation department and they said the same parking rules apply for Saturday as well. We are moving my son in on Saturday so I checked with them. They said the one hour parking/unloading zones are still in place for Saturday. The only difference is no shuttle service and no helpers.</p>

<p>Hopefully it is a little laid back and not as crowded. I did request for overcast skies and 72 degrees. Let’s see if that happens. :)</p>

<p>From your mouth to God’s ears!</p>

<p>So if you move in early on Saturday, can the student with a permit park all day at Reed Arena?</p>

<p>I believe so. The parking for Saturday is like Sunday. The student can park in the “free” parking around Reed or in their assigned lot if they have a parking tag.</p>

<p>No, I think from what others said THEY CANNOT park in their ASSIGNED LOT on Saturday & Sunday even if they have a parking permit. My S has Lot 30 but that is a lot being used for move-in, so I think he cannot park there Saturday or Sunday.</p>