What To Expect on Dorm Move-in Day??

<p>According to the TAMU Website…</p>

<p>Fall Move-In
During Fall Move-In, signs will mark the designated loading areas and Transportation Services staff will be available to assist you and provide information. After the 1-hour time limit, we ask that students move their vehicle out of the unloading zone and ** into the lot designated on their permit<a href=“outside%20of%20unloading%20zones”>/b</a> or lot 100 and ride the free shuttles back to the residence hall.</p>

<p>Parents and other visitors who do not have a permit should also park in lot 100. The move-in shuttles will operate Sunday, August 24 through Wednesday, August 27, from 8:30am - 5pm.</p>

<p>This makes me think the student can park where their permit states. If your lot is used for unloading/hour parking then you will need to park in the other options.</p>

<p>Ok. Thank you. But Lot 30 is in the unloading zone. So any lot 30 permits cannot park in Lot 30 Saturday or Sunday. Nor can lots 19, 20, 32, or 39. Students with permits for the garages should be ok. </p>

<p>My S will have to park in Lot 100 until move-in is over.</p>

<p>@TexasAtHome‌ - Check out this map. <a href=“http://transportmap.tamu.edu/parkingmap/tsmap.htm?map=mio”>http://transportmap.tamu.edu/parkingmap/tsmap.htm?map=mio&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It says Lot 30 is only reserved on Sunday, August 24 only. If you are moving in Saturday then maybe you will be OK. It’s probably a good idea to check with the transportation department. When I checked with them I was asking about the street unloading zones. Those are active on Saturday too.</p>

<p>I understand that if you attend the last Fish Camp, you can move in early. But it looks like you still have to pay the early move-in fee. Is that correct?</p>

<p>Yes, you must pay the early move-in fee if you attend the last Fish Camp. This is what they told us at our NSC.</p>

<p>@kldat1 Thank you for the link.</p>

<p>We were snail mailed a move-in map from TAMU and on the map is printed: “Students pre-approved for early move-in Saturday 8/23, park according to 8/24 rules.”</p>

<p>So I assume that means no parking in Lot 30. Makes sense because o.w. they’d have to hunt down the kids who parked there on Saturday to get them to move their cars on Sunday for move-in.</p>

<p>Folks have said to show up early to insure you can park. What time would “early” be? We also don’t have a dolly, but we are also not moving any furniture, just a flat screen TV. Are there dolly loaners?</p>

<p>Four years ago when we moved in first son to Lechner there were dolly loaners in the stairwells. There will mostly likely be some floating around. Check the stairwells.</p>

<p>I think they were red. The ones in the stairwells were “available”. You just grab one that is not being used and use it as needed. I don’t believe being early will help you. All the freshmen want to move in Sunday at 8am. We were all waiting outside before 8am for the doors to be unlocked. Honestly, I advise waiting until a bit later in the day for that crush of people to finish and move their vehicles. However, it gets hotter as the day progresses so…Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the information. Does anyone think waiting until 10am or 11am would help? We just want to make it easier to find a closer spot to Lechner. Thanks for the tips!! We really do appreciate it.</p>

<p>Its hard to say really. I never tried at that time. The best I could guess is…maybe? There’s a lot of luck involved with this process! However, since you are headed to Lechner, you will have a lot of help from the Honors SA’s(sophomore advisors) who are assigned to assist the freshmen. Our Honors kid moved in early, so I never got the benefit of that help. But my kid says they will compete to offer assistance. For example, they get “points” for hauling your refrigerator up the stairs for you. It sounds wonderful, actually.</p>

<p>This may be a strange question but how clean are the dorms for the students when they arrive? Are we talking move in clean, a little dusty, etc?</p>

<p>Mine lived in the Commons & a Modular- they were both surface clean. I brought wipes with me just in case & wiped everything down myself before we brought in our kids stuff (to include the bed which is in a plastic cover)- only took a couple of minutes- it was more like disinfecting than cleaning. The dorms (other than Hullabaloo) are the same dorms your parents would have used…so no, they’re not pristine due to age. They do clean them in the summer between residents and I’m just picky, you don’t have to wipe them down.</p>

<p>Thanks @Agmomx2 …we are taking my son this weekend and he is in the Commons. That’s what I was thinking of doing ; just wanted to make sure we weren’t going to need to do any deep cleaning. </p>

<p>For rooms with carpet, do they change it during the summer? I understand its pretty cheap stuff anyhow. Just changing it helps reduce issues.</p>

<p>No, it wasn’t for my kid’s years but the carpet is the very short industrial style carpet. I’m sure they do replace it every so often…I guess you need to get lucky for that! Lots of kids do also bring plush rugs, even to put on top of the carpet. </p>

<p>Back home now and move-in is complete. Moved in Saturday morning and got a parking spot right next to the dorm. The entrance was on the opposite of the building from the street so the dolly was very helpful to roll things up to the door and then carry upstairs. Having a strong athletic son is great for moving things! </p>

<p>Sunday was definitely busier than Saturday. Overall I thought both days went very smoothly. I know the helpers on Sunday were a great for those kids.</p>

<p>The two tips about the dolly and water are the best two tips I can think of! It was hot!</p>

<p>Target, Walmart ,etc were crazy busy as were most of the restaurants close to campus.</p>

<p>He is excited and ready to start. </p>