I was deferred from Elon’s early action, and I recently read that sending an email expressing your continued interest was a good way to increase your chances, if only a little. So I will definitely do that, but I want to make sure I do it correctly. I’m planning on writing that Elon is definitely my first choice and the main reasons why (my major, study abroad, club sports, etc) and then asking if he (my admissions councelor) has any suggestions of what to visit when I visit the second time. Then, what more should I include? That I’ve been working very hard this year? That I made the honor roll first term (almost high honors except for one B+, ugh)? Oh, and what should the subject line be? Any feedback on what I have so far and what else to include would be very much appreciated!
@aaronashley, there is a great article on CC about this! It is not specific to Elon, but should give you some inspiration. Read Dave Barry’s post here: http://www.collegeconfidential.com/admit/deferrals-decisions-delayed/