<p>I am doing 3-2 engineering program, with Columbia University, I will probably end up doing computer engineering, or electrical.</p>
<p>I am not aware if ya'll know how it works, but I get a bachelor from my current college, and then a B.S. in engineering from columbia.
At first I was planning in majoring in Computer Science but have found out that in my college CS is only about programming. I am more of a hands-on person, in h.s I enjoyed my CISCO classes.
Anyways, b/c of the inflexibility of the program, I have to choose a major in the next week pretty much. I took C++ 1 last semester, and did ok, got a b. And I am taking it now, but i find it so boring, so I am considering if I should major in somenthing else.
What idk is if i should major in somenthing that will help me in engineering such as Math, or CS. Or major in somenthing completely different that I find very interesting(my school is a liberal arts) such as International studies, or sociology.</p>
<p>For the people that take CS are your classes generally boring (or does my professor just such?)</p>
<p>PEOPLE WHO CAN ACTUALLY TEACH WELL… thats what you would major in… or society has terrible teachers everywhere which seriously needs to learn HOW TO TEACH…</p>
<p>The point of 3-2 programs is to get two DIFFERENT degrees. Otherwise you should have just majored in Engineering somewhere. So get the degree in whatever interests you. But make sure you cover the classes that you will need for Columbia (math/science/CS). If you find math, CS or maybe physics interesting, certainly the extra classes will only help the engineering major.</p>
<p>I’ve never taken a college-level CS class that I thought was boring. So it could be your prof, or your department’s offerings, or the way it structures the curriculum.</p>
<p>I’m betting that the last of these is at least part of it. “C++ 1”? Yeah, I wouldn’t be thrilled with that either.</p>
<p>so i was hoping things got better but now, but my professor continues to suck. He is a very smart person just not a good teacher. But now I am panicking because I was doing good on my c++ programs but on the midterm i got a 30/100(no curves, no nada). I am also taking Calculus II and I love it although I am not that good at it(got a C on my midterm). So all this has me even wondering if I can do this engineering 3/2 succesfully. I can major in math, but since I am not that good I am afraid ill fail. The problem with this is that for you to be accepted by Columbia Engineering you must also hold a 3.0 and above.</p>