<p>So I'm an incoming sophomore, and I recently discovered that if I want to stay in the IB program at my school (which I most definitely do), there's no way to take an AP history class nest year because I have to take Pre-IB History of Western Civilization of something like that. I love history, so I was wondering if it would be best to self-study:</p>
<p>AP World History
AP U.S. History
AP Euro</p>
<p>Or two, or three of those. I really have no idea what's doable, and I was really hoping for some input. Thank you in advance, everybody!</p>
<p>Take AP Euro! If you’re taking history of western civilization (which is another way to say “european history”), you will be learning some, if not most, of the material in school. Think of the pre-IB history class as an “honors” version of AP euro. If you want to self study another, then take AP world. A good portion of world history includes european history. So these two AP history shouldn’t be too bad to self-study if you like history. </p>
<p>I took AP US and AP Euro, but only took world history honors. IMO, US was the most fun history, partly because my teacher was funny, and partly because it was easier to relate to after 1850s. </p>
<p>AP Euro, however, was the easier of the two. I did absolutely no studying for AP euro and I got a 4. I studied a considerable amount and got a 4 on AP US. Also, I suck at history and essay writing. So if you love history then a 5 should be manageable. </p>
<p>All I can say about world history is that I hate it. Didn’t take AP after honors. Hate it. But you may love it, so pick up a book and skim around to see if it interests you.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Thank you so much! That was really helpful information :)</p>
<p>Well i took the euro class this past year and my teacher didn’t teach.
I started teaching myself the course 3 weeks before the test and came out with a 3.
Start a few months early like February and you’ll be good.</p>
<p>Psychology is one of the easiest AP’s out there… Maybe that would be a good one to self-study if Euro doesn’t work out for some reason.</p>
<p>I only took AP US, so I can’t speak for the others. However, if you read the book thoroughly, it’s really not that tough. You didn’t mention it, but AP US Gov is incredibly easy in my opinion, especially if you follow politics on a regular basis.</p>
<p>If you’re looking for other AP classes to self-study outside of history later on, I would recommend AP Stats and AP Psychology, both of which are very straightforward and easy to learn.</p>
<p>APUSH is way easier and more interesting compared to euro.</p>
<p>@Aurora132231 thanks for the tip! I’ll keep it in mind</p>
<p>@miseryrevived I’m actually required to take AP Government this year, but thanks anyways </p>
<p>@Jones17 For some reason U.S. History has never held my interest as much as European History has…but I’ll keep the whole difficulty thing in mind when making the decision</p>
<p>Human Geography is an extremely easy AP to self study as well. I took the exam this year after reading over Princeton Review for 2-3 weeks and pulled a 4. So yeah, with more prep a 5 is easily attainable.</p>
<p>@smileykins I actually took Human Geography this year…I agree that it was an easy test</p>
<p>Take APUSH or Psychology. Both interesting APs.</p>
<p>Rising Senior 
APUSH: lots reading and really specific DEPTH
WHAP: Easy material, hard test (5% got a 5) BREATH
EURO: did not take this one but I heard it was hard. </p>
<p>I would take WHAP because generally upperclassmen with experience take Apush and Euro and get 4’s or 5’s.</p>
<p>Ahh, okay. Thanks you two!</p>
<p>Having taken both APWH and APUSH, I would most definitely say APUSH is an easier test to self study. Although APWH is typically taken by underclassmen, CB has continually maintained that it was designed to be a 12th grade course. Furthermore, the percentage of 4’s and 5’s has been quite low the past few years. I attribute my score to an amazing teacher and countless review sessions/late night studying. </p>
<p>As for APUSH, I feel like the FRQs may be the only detriment to your success if you take it. I think one can ace the multiple choice with the combination of Crash Course and AMSCO. The key is chronology and analysis, being able to see events from both the big picture and the individual point of view. If you can write a good thesis and produce solid evidence with clear writing, you should be more than fine. </p>
<p>As for AP Euro, I have no experience with the course but I have heard from several people it was a difficult exam. Few received 5’s at my school. Again though, I have no direct knowledge of that course so it may be easier/harder than what I’ve surmised.</p>
<p>^thank you! That’s very helpful information</p>