What to wear to graduation, and do parents attend receptions

<p>Just like it says. Graduation is Saturday morning. Never been to a daytime graduation. Since it’s inside, I guess a dark skirt and top is okay?</p>

<p>Also, I remember meeting a parent at a hotel a few years back that said there is a nice reception at the President’s Mansion. Is that still held, and are parents welcome to that, or only the students?</p>

<p>Also, what about department receptions, like honors college or engineering? Are those open to parents or students only? And what is the dress code for that?</p>

<p>Hoping for info from the veterans.</p>

<p>Also need to ask about men’s dress code. Do dads wear coat and tie to graduation, and to the president’s reception?</p>

<p>Dress code for graduates at under their gowns varies. Closed toed shoes are recommended. Some people dress up under the gown, some don’t. Ties are definitely optional. It can get hot in Coleman Coliseum, especially when one is wearing full graduation attire.</p>

<p>Guests attending graduation wear almost anything. Remember that a lot of pictures will be taken of the graduate and their guests. :slight_smile: A lot of women choose to wear a nice top and some kind of nice pants or shorts (jeans are fine). Dresses or suits are also fine. For men, it’s typically a nice shirt and some kind of pants/shorts. Guest seating is in seats designed for viewing sporting events, so suits might not be the most comfortable items of clothing to wear.</p>

<p>I don’t recall there being a reception at the President’s Mansion. </p>

<p>Honors and departmental ceremonies are typically only for the graduates and faculty/staff unless the invitation states otherwise. Depending on the event, the dress code is either business casual or shorts casual. It’s really up to the student.</p>

<p>I’ve never been to Coleman. Do we sit in bleachers, or are they actually seats? Graduates and faculty I guess are seated on the floor, and the guests are in stadium seating?</p>

<p>So, men don’t have to wear a tie to the graduating? My husband will be thrilled.</p>

<p>They are actual seats but the backs make them only slightly more comfortable than bleachers unless you are the size of a small child. If you want any leg room at all you’ll need to arrive in time to snag one of the seats without a seat in front. There are limited seats for individuals in wheelchairs. The stairs are very steep, so consider that when deciding whether you wear heels. There are a few rows with no seats in front. Those go early and are the most comfortable. People dress in various ways from shorts to dresses. I recommend a nice but comfortable outfit appropriate for being hot and cramped.</p>

<p>Is the Coleman Coliseum air-conditioned?</p>

<p>Yes, Coleman is air-conditioned. Keep in mind that you may have to park and ride the Crimson Ride and then then the seating is very crowded in Coleman.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up on the shoes. Got to get the sandals out of the suitcase and go shoe shopping this week.</p>

<p>The AC in coleman can be strong. I remember once freezing in there.</p>

<p>SHORTS? Really? I can’t imagine dressing that casually for a graduation ceremony. Is that common? Even the idea of jeans disturbs my comfort zone here.</p>