<p>I don't know what's best and I wanted to save money because my bro is going to college first.</p>
<p>I'm a junior in HS and my gpa is like a 3.2 and I think it's going to go down to a 2.8 from the semester and if I hadn't messed up it'd be 3.5.</p>
<p>Anyways so I don't know if I should still go straight to a UC I could probably get my gpa up to 3.2 by the end of senior yr.I was thinking of transferring from a CSU to a UC or from a CC to a UC.That would be cheaper and id probably be better prepared for a UC but id have to find an apt or live @ home which is cheaper.I live in bay area-norcal but want to go to maybe beach area-socal for school since I'll be away from home.</p>
<p>I heard getting a degree at a CSU is the same as a UC so I'm thinking what's the point.I'm not sure what I want my career to be or major but I want to do something in science&math and I'm thinking more forensics.I was also thinking engeneering but not sure I'll have to research more .</p>
<p>1.Is it easier/better to go straight to a CSU/UC straight from HS or CC?? </p>
<p>2.If your HS has a bad academic rep is it better to still try going to a CSU\UC?</p>
<p>3.I know living off campus can be cheaper but how do you find roommates if you want to live in a house or large apt if your HS friends aren't going to the same area after HS?</p>
<p>4.If you fail ap classes do UCs think you're not ready?</p>
<p>5.what do people mean a class is curved like the person with the highest score on a test got an A and the rest lower even though everyone got 90% or higher?Do certain subjects do that like math or science b/c I've heard not all classes do that in college.Do community colleges have this system of grading or is it just UC?</p>
<p>6.How much harder is a)CC b)CSU c)UC class from a HS ap classes,is it just a little or twice as hard?</p>