What type of college to go to after graduating HS?

<p>I don't know what's best and I wanted to save money because my bro is going to college first.</p>

<p>I'm a junior in HS and my gpa is like a 3.2 and I think it's going to go down to a 2.8 from the semester and if I hadn't messed up it'd be 3.5.</p>

<p>Anyways so I don't know if I should still go straight to a UC I could probably get my gpa up to 3.2 by the end of senior yr.I was thinking of transferring from a CSU to a UC or from a CC to a UC.That would be cheaper and id probably be better prepared for a UC but id have to find an apt or live @ home which is cheaper.I live in bay area-norcal but want to go to maybe beach area-socal for school since I'll be away from home.</p>

<p>I heard getting a degree at a CSU is the same as a UC so I'm thinking what's the point.I'm not sure what I want my career to be or major but I want to do something in science&math and I'm thinking more forensics.I was also thinking engeneering but not sure I'll have to research more .</p>

<p>1.Is it easier/better to go straight to a CSU/UC straight from HS or CC?? </p>

<p>2.If your HS has a bad academic rep is it better to still try going to a CSU\UC?</p>

<p>3.I know living off campus can be cheaper but how do you find roommates if you want to live in a house or large apt if your HS friends aren't going to the same area after HS?</p>

<p>4.If you fail ap classes do UCs think you're not ready?</p>

<p>5.what do people mean a class is curved like the person with the highest score on a test got an A and the rest lower even though everyone got 90% or higher?Do certain subjects do that like math or science b/c I've heard not all classes do that in college.Do community colleges have this system of grading or is it just UC?</p>

<p>6.How much harder is a)CC b)CSU c)UC class from a HS ap classes,is it just a little or twice as hard?</p>


<p>I’m almost done with my a-g I just need english&history for senior yr(if I pass junior yr english&history)…
I’ve done enough foreign language math and science for a-g.I’m taking spanish 3 but failing so I won’t have the recommended but have 3 yrs science and math I might make it 4 next yr but I think failing ab calculus and apush looks bad since junior yr is most important…I took band from 9th-10th grade but that’s only 2 yrs so that’s the only extra thing I’ve done.Maybe I should do a sport,club or community service but don’t have time.</p>

<p>Probably a CSU or CC would be your best options. To be UC-eligible, you would have to have a minimum 3.0 UC GPA by the end of junior year. If you want to eventually attend a UC, then going to a cc is the better option - transfers from cc have preference over transfers from CSUs and other UCs.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>



<p>Depends on the course. Some AP courses are widely recognized as equivalent to year long college courses (e.g. English Literature, Calculus BC). Others are usually accepted for much less, or nothing at all (e.g. Statistics, Human Geography).</p>