What UC'S and Cal States can i get into

<p>I have a 2.7 GPA, 1790 SAT I Score, 29 ACT Score, 1310 SAT II Score. Also ive passed both APUSH and AP Lang exams and I’m taking 4 more AP Classes next year. I plan to take the SAT I and SAT II as long with the ACT again. My plan goal is to get around 2000/2400, around 1400/1600 and around 31/36. Also i am located in Corona just in case you are wondering about service areas. As with my senior year I plan to not slack off and try to get straight A’s.</p>

<p>P.S. I know ive messed up in High School and that my GPA is very low but please give honest answers.</p>

<p>Well to be honest since you have below a 3.0 GPA, you’re out of running for all the UCs.(Riverside included) - sorry </p>

<p>among the cal states, you can’t get into SLO, SDSU, CSULB, or CSUF.
But you have a shot at chico state, Cal State LA, CSU SB, Sac State, SFSU.
Don’t know much about the others.
good luck. PLUS CSU’s don’t look at SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Oh funny thing is UC’s do accept people under a 3.0. They are suppose to stop during the Fall of 2012 i enter the Fall of 2011. Ive had friends get in to UC’s under a 3.0 btw.</p>

<p>You didn’t like your other thread?</p>

<p>I’d retake the SATs, maybe a few times.</p>

<p>because you’re going into your senior year, you can’t really increase your gpa so those UC’s and top CSU’s will be out of the question. Given CA’s budge state, those accepted with a sub 3.0 gpa is low. Good luck!</p>

<p>if you have your heart set on a good UC/CSU I would consider starting at a community college first and transferring to a UC if you do well.</p>

<p>minimum GPA for UC’s is a 3.0.</p>

<p>“… UC’s do accept people under a 3.0. They are suppose to stop during the Fall of 2012…”</p>

<p>Can you link to more info about that? I know UC’s will no longer require subject tests after 2011, but I hadn’t heard anything about changes in minimum UC GPA’s.</p>

<p>This is what is said to be new for 2012</p>

<p>"Differences from current policy</p>

<p>The new policy requires the same number of “a-g” courses and the same GPA as current policy. What is different is:</p>

<pre><code>* Two SAT Subject Tests will no longer be required for admission. However, students can still choose to submit their scores for consideration as part of their application, just as they do now with AP scores. The Subject Tests also may be recommended for certain majors.

  • All applicants will need to complete 11 of the 15 “a-g” courses by the end of their junior year. Currently, this is required only of students who are designated eligible by ranking in the top 4% of their high school class.
  • The share of students who are guaranteed admission based on their rank in their own high school class will grow (9% vs. the current 4%).
  • Fewer students overall will receive an admission guarantee (10% of high school graduates statewide vs. 12.5% now), but nearly all students who would have received this guarantee under current policy will still be entitled to a full review by their campuses of choice under the new proposal."

<p>"Under the new policy, all California high school seniors who…</p>

<pre><code>* complete the 15 UC-required college-preparatory (“a-g”) courses, with 11 of those done by the end of 11th grade,

  • maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better (weighted by honors/AP bonus points) in these courses, and
  • take the ACT with Writing or SAT Reasoning Test

<p>…will be invited to apply and will be entitled to a comprehensive review of their applications at each UC campus to which they apply.</p>

<p>Within this “entitled to review” pool, two categories of applicants will be guaranteed admission somewhere within the UC system:</p>

<pre><code>* those who fall in the top 9% of all high school graduates statewide, and

  • those who rank in the top 9% of their own high school graduating class."

<p>I suppose ELC ( top 3 percent in school at end of 11th grade) might now allow for a less them 3.0 UC GPA,but not starting 2010</p>

<p>Is that your UC GPA?</p>

<p>Also, not in your service area, but consider CSU Monterey Bay and Sonoma State.</p>

<p>Why are they changing ELC from top 4% to top 9% and then say that fewer students will receive an admission guarantee? </p>

<p>I am definitely missing something here…</p>

<p>ron2324 : what you said is true cause I know a person who got into UC Berkeley with a 2.7 but he was <em>recruited</em> there for its rowing team. If you’re that good at sports I am sure you would have no problem getting into a UC even under a 3.0 but most of us aren’t that so I am just stating 90 % of the cases.</p>

<p>"Why are they changing ELC from top 4% to top 9% and then say that fewer students will receive an admission guarantee? "</p>

<p>Is that posted somewhere? What I posted was STATEWIDE. ELC is within a school, right?</p>

<p>I DID notice that in spite of the rules stating otherwise, there does seem to be a few under 3.0 UC GPA kids getting admitted to some UC schools if you download the detailed admit rates for each school on the far left. Averaging about 31 kids or 1.3 percent at each school?</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles.html[/url]”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;