What UC's can I get into If I don't pass a single AP exam?

I’m currently a junior, about to finish my junior year. I’m not very confident in the two AP’s I took this year (AP Bio and AP English) I already failed AP World sophomore year, assuming if I don’t pass AT LEAST 1 exam with a 3, what are my chances of getting into UC Irvine, Davis, Santa Barbara?
My GPA is roughly a 3.7 weighted and a 3.6 unweighted, during my sophomore year I made some mistakes and went from a weighted 3.75 in the first semester to a weighted 3.38 in my second semester, and junior year I got a 3.86 Weighted on my first semester and I’m probably going to get 3.86 weighted again.
Also my SAT is the new version so it’s 1200 flat.
I also took extra classes that appear in my transcript which is Journalism and History Day.
I did Cross country my first two years of high school and am doing tennis my next two years. I’m going to have done journalism for all 4 years of my high school career and history day for all 3 years.

AP test scores are not considered for admission decisions. They are used for college credit. You also do not have to report scores unless you want that college course credit.

What is your UC GPA capped weighted?

Your UC GPA, test scores, Intended major, essays and EC’s will be the determining factors if you will be accepted.

Based on posted stats, all will be a Reach since the average UC GPA’s are above a 4.0.

I would target UC Santa Cruz, Riverside and Merced. If in-state look at the Cal states and especially your local CSU as a safety.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%