What UC's can I get into?

<p>Hey everyone, I am going to be a senior next year so I am really stressing over colleges because I was lazy during high school and also procrastinated a lot. But recently I have realized that I really want to learn more and so I really want to go to college. Since i wasn’t mature in high school and really didn’t do a whole lot can I still get into a uc.
Here are my stats:</p>

<p>Male Indian, First Generation
GPA: 3.46 UC
SAT: 1740
SAT II : 590 US History, 500 Chemistry
AP’s: US History, Calculus, World History, Biology, Statistics, Microeconomics, Psychology, English
Foreign Language: took 4 years of Spanish
150 hours of community service
took a community college class on electronics
2 years of basketball and 1 year of cross country</p>

<p>Also I failed calculus my Sophmore year so I retook it my Junior year because my dad was really sick my Sophmore year and still is. With my stats what do i have to do to get accepted to a mid tier uc. Thanks a lot everyone.</p>

<p>You can probably get into Riverside and Merced, but your SATs and GPA are probably too low (at this point) for Santa Cruz and above. Unfortunately, the UCs are mostly a numbers game… if you can get your SATs up then you’d have a much better chance everywhere you apply.</p>

<p>Best of luck,

<p>What else can I do to raise my chances into getting into some other uc’s. Thanks any advice is appreciated.</p>

<p>chances are pretty rough at uc’s ranked above riverside or merced. but might have a shot at santa cruz. admissions are getting harder every year + economics with UC funding.</p>

<p>You can compare your stats to the fall 2009 freshman profile for each UC campus, and see which campus’ profile has similar stats as yours:
[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles.html)</p>

<p>Is riverside a good college for premed.</p>

<p>riverside has a great pre med program. We will have a med school in 2013 and have right now the world renowned UCR-UCLA Haider program</p>

<p>How hard is it to get into the Haider program. Also, since I am going to be a senior this year
will the program still be around when I get to the college.</p>

<p>well the haider program is very hard to get in there as I heard( i am pre law so idk much about it) The program and the Med school are going to survive the budget cuts so you wont have to worry since the med school is being mostly funded through a donation given by a billionaire family.</p>

<p>here some sites for more info:</p>

<p>self spoken

<p>College of Natural and Agricultural Science

<p>and I think</p>


<p>is there any chance i could get into ucsc or uci</p>

<p>I think you have a decent chance at UCSC because your schedule’s rigor is good, what did you get on the AP tests btw?</p>

<p>ECs very weak i’m afraid</p>

<p>i got mostly 3’s on my ap tests</p>

<p>I also have a whole lot more ec’s then I listed. I helped compose a 5k run and raised over 5,000 dollars for charity.</p>

<p>you can get in to the bottom 3 uc, which compared to other state flagships UCR and UCSC kick ass in rankings, with out prob u have a very slight chance at UCI but dont count on it</p>

<p>Does anyone here go to UC Riverside? Can you tell me if you like the school and if it has given you an opportunity to grow as a person. Thanks to everyone who has answered.</p>

<p>ahem. I am freshman and I love it there. I was reluctant at applying there but then I went there I didnt want to leave I love it . For orientation i was giving my parent a tantrum I didnt want to leave. It a great school with great academics. You can contact my friend Mehidimd in the UCR sub forum he is a sophomore right now and he is a tour guide.</p>

<p>You can get into UCSC, UCR, and UCM. After that… you should hope for the best. </p>

<p>Off topic a little, whats a better college Riverside or Merced?</p>

<p>Rside by a long shot. Dont get me wrong Merced is a great school but Ill take ucr over it. Merced really wanted me to go there they offer me a full ride my first year but I just didnt like it both city and school. UCR is located in a city of 300,000 with a metro area of 2 mill and is also located in the greater LA area of 16 mil. Merced is a farm town of 50,000 with a metro of 500,000. Research UCR has the upper hand with the citrus research, the engineering school is top ranked. UCM has research but not as distinguished as UCR and engineering is small. Plus to top it all of the Med School soo UCR offer more opportunities. </p>

<p>But I say go where ever you are going to be happy. I felt UCR was going to make me happy so I went there even though I have to take out loans</p>

<p>I feel like UCR will be a top UC and a top university in the rankings 10-15 years from now. Right now, it may sound to some people like a school for top UC rejects, but with the competitiveness at higher UC’s, some really bright and talented kids will attend UCR, and make it a great school, if it isn’t already.</p>

<p>About UCR, can someone explain their business major? And Jason, how is the pre-law program so far?</p>

<p>so long I liked it. We have a great Business Admin program, and a great MBA program. We have a pretty good polisci department though I am not a polisci major I am a Public Policy/Econ, since Public Policy involves a bit of of everything( polisci,econ,sociology, ect) We have a Pre Law advising. IDK much more because i am a freshman but I have to say is that I love it here and idc what all the UCSB,UCD,ect ppl have to say i am still getting a world class education</p>