What UC's do I have shots at?!

<p>I’m currently a Jr. attending a very large and competitive school. I plan on trying to becoming a Dentist or Dental Hygienist, or maybe a pharmacist or a P.E. teacher/coach.</p>

<p>Most likely 4 year basketball (3 year varsity, 2 years Captain on Varsity)
Interact Club 2 Years
CSF (1 1/2 years)
Lion Dance Club at school (President, 1 year)
Lion Dance team outside of school (5 years)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.20ish (10-12 NO P.E.)
SAT I & II: In progress</p>

<p>I’m wondering what UC’s and CSU’s should I apply to and what are my chances of getting into there?</p>

<p>You're gpa is low. Depends on SATI and II. if its like over 2000 with a good essay, you might have a chance at davis/irvine/santa barbara.</p>

<p>You'll most likely get into ucsc,ucr,and ucm</p>

<p>You can still raise your UC GPA junior year.</p>

<p>As long as you meet the eligibility requirements i.e fulfilling your A-G requirements/ 3.0 Weighted GPA or higher (3.4 for OOS)/SAT I(or ACT) and II/and a GED or High School Diploma you'll get into Riverside and/or Merced.</p>

<p>Depending on how well your SAT's are you'll also have a chance at Santa Cruz/Davis/Irvine/Santa Barbara</p>

<p>1700s-1800's for Santa Cruz (although people have been able to get in with scores in the 1500's and 1600's)</p>

<p>2000+ for the rest</p>