What UC's have you got accepted/rejected to? Class of '09 please!

<p>I got accepted to UCR last month. However, I just found out that I got rejected from UC Davis. :’( Anyways, it doesn’t really matter cuz it’s not my first choice. It wasn’t surprising that I got rejected but it’s still not a good feeling to have. I’m still waiting on UCSD and UC Irvine. Anyone know when the decision letters arrive for those?
I know the UC decision letters have started arriving…so I was wondering where did you guys got accepted or rejected to?
Good luck!</p>

<p>I got accepted to UC Irvine and UCSD.
UCSD came out today- <a href="http://myapplication.ucsd.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://myapplication.ucsd.edu&lt;/a>
and UC Irvine last week i think- <a href="https://login.uci.edu/ucinetid/webauth?return_url=https://www.admissions.uci.edu:8443/cgi-bin/maa_uci.cgi?action=loginwebauth%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://login.uci.edu/ucinetid/webauth?return_url=https://www.admissions.uci.edu:8443/cgi-bin/maa_uci.cgi?action=loginwebauth&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>UC Irvine (found out yesterday)
UC Merced (found out 2 days ago)</p>

<p>denied to UC Davis (found out 2 days ago)

<p>bump please....</p>

<p>uc davis acceptance letter online was kind of rude! It said oh congratulations but you have to pay a $100 deposit or something!</p>

<p>^ I loved the UCI acceptance it was so fancy looking (in cursive letters)</p>

<p>"You've Been Accepted To UC Irvine"</p>

<p>and then, shortly told u a bunch of things for u to do.</p>

<p>My daughter is accepted by UC Riverside, Irvine, Davis, San Diego so far. Still waiting for result from UC LA and Berkeley.</p>

<p>4 for 4 so far (Irvine, Davis, Santa Barbara, San Diego) Waiting for LA and Berkeley</p>

<p>Accepted into (UC) Berkeley, Irvine, and Davis</p>

<p>got into davis, santa barbara, riverside
waiting on berkeley and UCLA</p>

<p>Only applied to 3 UCs.
Got into UCSD
Waiting for UCLA and Berkeley</p>

how did you hear from berkeley already?</p>

<p>Got into UCB, UCSD, UCI, waiting on LA. Only applied to 4.</p>

<p>Accepted: UCD, UCI, UCSD
Waiting on UCLA and UCB :)</p>

<p>I feel like my life is over, I didn't get into UCSD, my dream school...</p>

<p>GPA: 4.5

<p>are you lying, how did you hear form Cal already?</p>

<p>congrats to those that got accepted!</p>

<p>i know.. what is it with all of these cal acceptances?</p>

<p>Cal acceptances are prolly only for ppl who got regents scholarship invitation.
That doesnt guarantee your admission but it means u got in like 99%</p>

<p>I applied to Berkeley, LA, and SD and i got into SD and got a likely letter from LA. But i haven't heard from Berkeley yet.</p>

<p>I have a question. Did Irvine results officially come out? Like on the website? Or is it just that some people got it early? And what about Santa Barbara?</p>

<p>im pretty sure SB comes out tomorrow..
as for Irvine, i think they're still sending..
cause sporadic amounts of people are getting their acceptances..
i did last week..</p>