What UC's have you got accepted/rejected to? Class of '09 please!

<p>Thanks for your reply!
I'm just worried for my friend who applied to SD, Irvine, and SB cuz she got rejected from SD yesterday and she hasn't heard from Irvine and SB yet...
So i guess not all the decisions were sent out yet. Well that's good! :)</p>

<p>no problem :)
i got rejected from SD yesterday too. Says nothing about Irvine..
Good luck!</p>

<p>Got into Davis, San Diego, and Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>Just waiting for Berkeley now, but much less stressed out. :)</p>


<p>if you had gotten an 1900 or higher on the sat u should have gotten in</p>

<p>Got into UCR and UCI</p>

<p>waiting for LA and Cal</p>

<p>hoping to get to one or both, hopefully both!</p>

<p>Edit: Not UCS</p>

<p>Are you guys transfer or Freshman ?</p>

<p>Anybody here transfers ??</p>

<p>accepted: UC Irvine
rejected: UC San Diego
waiting: UC Los Angeles and UC Berkeley</p>

<p>... Berkeley's my number -______-
so stressed out at this point in life.</p>

<p>BREAKFASTCLUB88: I don't know about alithyiaiden but I found out about mine at the Regent Scholar interview. The reception congratulated me on my acceptance to UCB. So I'm assuming that being a candidate for Regent Scholar implies admission to Cal. I'm about 90% sure.</p>

<p>accepted: UCB,UCI,UCSD
waiting for: UCLA (likely letter)</p>

<p>Got into uci and ucd, but rejected by ucsd.:( I feel no hope for ucla and ucb.........</p>

<p>Angela8369 I feel your pain ... we're on the same boat here.</p>

<p>What's your number one though?</p>

<p>UCLA is my top choice</p>

<p>I am so anxiously biting my nails as I write this</p>

<p>so much</p>


<p>I got a likely to UCLA.</p>

<p>UCLA is definitely one of my top 3. I can't wait until this Thursday.</p>

<p>Got into the only UC I've applied to and heard from, SD.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from UCSC? Any non-regents from Cal?</p>

<p>rejection from UCSD, UCD, and UCSC</p>

<p>yo soy un epic failure. :(</p>

<p>Angela8369, it's ok that you got rejected by UCSD. One of my friends, who is currently a student at Berkeley, got rejected by UCD.</p>

<p>Did you receive a letter from UCLA? Does this have anything to do with Regents Scholarship? UCLA is my #1 Choice. Oh, this is so stressful.</p>

<p>yea i dont know the whole gettin rejected from UCSD means that you dont get into CAL thing is true. i have heard its true and than again that its not