<p>Has now happened. I've run out of things to mathematically prove. I feel so deprived now. I have a headache, fatigued, and almost burned out from the intense workload i take.</p>
<p>^I really doubt that’s true…</p>
<p>^^I like you, MIThopeful, but sometimes I almost hopw your ■■■■■■■■. You’re so singularly focused. When I was your age, I had fun on the weekends.</p>
<p>^“When I was your age…” Aren’t you only a few years older!!! And can’t we still have fun! We are not old yet!</p>
<p>Yeah, find other interests than mathematics… :)</p>
<p>When I was your age, Pluto was a planet</p>
<p>^^I was half kidding about that part. But I do sometimes feel very old. I look back fondly on my freshman year.</p>
<p>Actually, now that I think about it, I had no fun when I was a sophomore. When I was MIThopeful’s age, my life sucked much more than it does now.</p>
<p>You stol’d my line!</p>
<p>Holy crap, I realized my error. More tired than I thought I was.</p>
<p>^I typed “hopw your” when it should obviously be “hope you’re.” I disgust myself.</p>