What was your SAT / ACT score and GPA to get accepted into VA Tech?

<p>I applied to VT and I want to know where I stand...Oh yea can you tell me what was your and class rank. Thanks</p>

<p>Here’s a mom’s answer. Don’t just go by stats…MAJOR is important at Tech because some are extremely competitive, in state/out state, EC’s, AP’s, SAT II’s, work experience, etc. play a role. Va Tech is a large school and I have to believe they screen based on grades, rank, SAT for the SPECIFIC MAJOR but that isn’t the only criteria. Hang in there. I think you will drive yourself crazy looking at Stats from everyone. It is what it is…you can’t change what you did or didn’t do. It stinks to wait! But each person brings something different to the table and a good personal statement could make the difference between similar credentials. Waiting is never fun but there is an end in sight. I hope it works out well for you…best of luck!</p>

<p>Specifically, this is probably what you are looking for:</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> | Institutional Research & Effectiveness Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html]Admissions”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html)</p>

<p>It breaks scores down by major, sex, in state/out of state, etc.</p>

<p>In reality, I agree with lisak1234. My D is a sophomore (engineering). When she applied her stats put her at the 25%. She currently has a 3.2 GPA and is doing great. The stats don’t tell the whole story and I think the school realizes that. IMO, if your stats are good enough to get you through the screen, they do take a look at the entire application.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>oosvtdad - Is your daughter liking the engineering program? We are visiting for the April accepted students day and spending a long weekend. Any recommendations you have on things to definitely see or do?</p>

<p>I didn’t know about those stats. I am not big on giving out my S stats (it’s his info to distribute) but looking at the chart he was accepted into Engineering OOS and in the college of engineering at 50%-75% (Math much higher then chart). Good Luck coffeeagent.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 Unweighted</p>

<p>SAT: 2100 or 2200 ish… I don’t remember exactly. It’s probably in some of my older posts. </p>

<p>I don’t remember my class rank either. </p>

<p>I would defiantly recommend looking at the link OSSVTDAD posted. There are students here with some stupid high scores and some with scores that are average. </p>

<p>You also want to take into account your location as well. If your instate and live in NOVA, you’ll want stats that are on the higher end of the percentile.</p>

<p>lisak1234 - She loves VT. The engineering program is a lot of work. There is a reason an Engineering degree from VT is highly regarded. The freshman engineering program is intentionally hard. As they get more into their area of study it gets more interesting. VT, like any other school, has good and bad instructors and your son will have his share of both. There are websites that rate the instuctors and they can be helpful. She has made amazing friends and everyone at the school is very friendly and helpful. Like I said, she loves VT. Her brother was recently accepted and she is trying to convince him that he should go there too.</p>

<p>What to do…hmmmm. Well, April is a beautiful time to visit Virginia. If the weather is nice you could hike the cascades (short hike, nice waterfall). Visit downtown, just walk, go in the shops, buy orange and maroon clothing. Here is the athletics calendar
[Day</a> - Calendar](<a href=“Day - Calendar”>Day - Calendar)
I think there may be a baseball game or two. I would suggest that your son talk to a student or two on the drillfield or walking by. Ask them for suggestions on where to eat, ask them about the school. 90-95% of the students he talks to will be happy to help out and what he will see is the passion everyone has for VT and the desire they have to help a fellow Hokie.</p>

<p>The first year engineering program isn’t “hard”, its just annoying and often times it felt irrelevant. </p>

<p>TA’s murder your lab score by taking off points for formatting errors and the tests are tricky. Normally you’d expect points to be taken off for not presenting it the right way, but you’ll get 10 points off for not saying “conclusion” before giving your conclusion and 10 points off for not naming something correctly. That’s the difficulty. Make sure you follow the instructions line-by-line and it’s easy. </p>

<p>lisak1234, if you’re coming down in April then I’d recommend taking a tour. They should offer you one but try and take one if you can. The school has a lot of buildings and you can miss a lot if you don’t know where to look, plus its nice to learn about the history.</p>

<p>Excellent suggestions and comments…we are there for the accepted students day so on Sat we will have a tour among other things then. We will be in the area probably in time for dinner on Thurs and will have an opportunity to see the campus alive on Friday. From visiting other schools I know it is best to see things during the week and eat in the cafeteria. I am trying to hook my son up with some friends who have kids there — no one from his HS has attended VT recently. We are from NJ …Tech is highly regarded for enginieering so we are excited about the visit. We were visiting in the Fall for a football game but then Hurricane Sandy messed with us so we decided to wait to see if he was accepted first.</p>

<p>I was accepted a few weeks ago RD and got a $6,000 nonrenewable scholarship.
1950 combined SATs
1280 CR+M
3.98 W GPA
My school doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>@charlesmyboy are you in-state or OOS?</p>

<p>@ granipc - I hope I’m not violating any mod rules here, but the [CollegeData</a> Admissions Tracker](<a href=“http://www.collegedata.com/cs/admissions/admissions_tracker.jhtml]CollegeData”>Resources | CollegeData) has cool interactive graphs that you can use to see where you stand vs. others who have applied, been waitlisted, rejected, etc. Of course, like with any self-reported data, please don’t be too discouraged/confident if you fall below/above the “mean.” Also, you’ll get a better picture if you select a range of years for results, since any one year’s results are going to be spotty.</p>