What went wrong with my UF application?

You’re not a downer at all! I appreciate your honest advice. Also, I forgot to mention that after I finished my application I won four competitions in a row, and obtained a certification.

I also applied to FSU, which I was accepted, fortunately. I also applied to NYU, Carnegie Mellon, and Northeastern University.


Thank you so much! I appreciate your faith in my abilities, I was also deferred from UMich, and may end up being rejected.

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Thank you for bringing this up. I was just looking at the appeal process for UF, and I got confused when it said under the section “information not considered”, it claims that awards earned after applying cannot be included in the appeal, but wouldn’t awards earned after applying be considered “new and compelling information”?

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Michigan defers a ton. It doesn’t mean a no !!

FSU is a fine school as are the others you listed. FSU also a hard admit. So if that’s where u end up you’ll be fine. And no doubt with BF the cost is right vs any of the others you listed if you are full pay.

Good luck on the remaining, including Michigan.


Thank you!

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Your stats are in the range for Michigan. I agree with the other poster that deferrals at umich dont mean a lot. They defer a ton of people ED. My oldest was deferred ED but accepted RD. She’s a junior there now.

That is good news, and do you know if it is harder to be accepted into some majors in UMich than others?

Call that number and plead your case; at this point you have nothing to lose. You never know, you may luck out and reach a compassionate person who opens that appeal form for you :four_leaf_clover:

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I asked my daughter this question. I assume you applied computer science based on your earlier posts. She said LSA and COE both offer computer science majors, and that while LSA has a slightly higher accept rate, it is only higher by a couple of percentage points.

I see your point, but I want to appeal if I feel like I have a good amount of compelling accomplishments, and most importantly, I’m doing it right. If you understand what I mean.

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I think “holistic” is code for “we can select whatever criteria we want and it doesn’t have to make sense or be ‘fair’…and don’t ask questions”. :grinning: With a holisitc review they can look at many different dimensions outside of your outstanding academic merit. They can build a class however they want. You didn’t do anything “wrong”. Good luck if you chose to appeal but you will likely be successful no matter where you end up.


To Sherry:

I have a theory. I mean, I have no idea how this plays out with individual applicants and on what EXACTLY they’re basing this on. But, when I look at YOUR stats, I see someone who is going to get into a LOT of great schools. Tons of them. It’s possible that UF looked at your stellar stats and thought, there’s no way THIS applicant is going to choose UF. And therefore rejected you before you could reject them. So that their “yield” is higher.

I have heard of this being done for tippy top students, UF is not the only school that may think this way. That’s my idea when I look at your stats, because you blow a lot of people out of the water. Best of luck to you whichever awesome school you choose! (and I hope my idea makes you feel a teeny bit better)


There was another upset family on the UF page - 3.9 UW, 1520 SAT 10 AP including Calc BC as a Junior.

This is from an AO. I know you think you have something compelling and maybe you do - but 78% got turned down- imagine if they all thought they were deserved…

I, for one, think it’s good to get turned down somewhere - that means you applied “high” enough - and you still have Michigan, NYU, CMU and NEU in the wings - were you 100% going to Florida or you just thought that what you perceived as an elite student couldn’t get rejected?

From the Florida AO to the upset family:

I’m sorry, that’s so hard. So many times I talked to parents today and the numbers that students had was a shock.

Appeals are for students who have new and compelling information that we did not previously have. The admissions committee is made up of faculty from across campus. They look at the application, the student’s reason for appealing and decide if they are going to overturn the decision admissions made. Since an appeal is an exception the most likely outcome is going to be a no. I’ve had some folks tell me they cannot get another no so I’ll tell them appeal is not going to be a good avenue for them. If your daughter is okay with getting another no and has a reason other than- but I’ve always wanted to attend UF, then she can give it a go, so to speak.,

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Op are you an ORM? If so, please do not take this decision by one school to indicate anything about you as a qualified applicant. Just know that again, as previously posted “holistic” admissions allows them to choose whomever they please and it is not traditionally “merit based.”


Hi Sherry-- I am sorry UF did not work out. A number of things play into an admissions decision. Your intended major may be ultra-competitive, your application may read too formulaic, you need to set yourself apart as an interesting candidate. what do you love? What are you passionate about? Readers want to see passion.

Make sure you write a continued interest letter. If you do not know how to do this, google or ask your counselor. Michigan really wants to see your interest.

UF Alum here
S21 didn’t have your stats but was also rejected from UF
He is at FSU and now studying in Italy and couldn’t be happier

Take a good look at all FSU


I applied because I really wanted to go, and I wanted to give it a shot because I thought I had a chance.

Will a continued interest letter help in my cause, even after being rejected? I thought an appeal is the only thing that will alter the decision.

I will. I might go there, but until my other results come in, I cannot decide.

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