What went wrong with my UF application?

A continued interest letter will not help since you were rejected. Appeal if you like but prepare yourself mentally to attend a different college.


ORM, I’m not sure what that is.

Asian (over represented minority)

Sherry, we live in CA and formerly MA, and I can tell you that admission to C.S. programs is extremely competitive at most schools. Many high stats people are getting denied admission at schools where this was unthinkable 10 years ago.
In CA, they eliminated considering race in admissions several years ago, and as a result, UC has become nearly 45% Asian while the general population is only about 15% Asian. FL may still consider race and so it could be much more competitive for Asians.
The good news is that the employment world knows how competitive schools are and the marketplace for C.S. graduates is great. I know this because I was a CS major and I’ve helped build and sell a >$100M tech company. As long as you attend a reputable institution, the name won’t get in the way of you getting a job. And after a few years of experience, your work accomplishments will carry more weight than your undergrad work.
Good luck, and you’ll be fine!


Thank you for your feedback! Though I applied as computer science, I regret not applying as undecided, because I truly do not know what I want to major in. If it is truly a racial issue, then I do not think applying as undecided or changing my major would have affected my admissions.

Your major would not have affected your odds because UF doesn’t admit by major. Students who got in - if they want to major in Nutrition, they’re nutrition majors or poli sci or Geography, etc. In engineering, they do offer a 2 year path in - so in that sense, the odds there might be better.

Per the CDS, Racial/Ethnic status is not considered.

Again, 78% of kids got turned down. It’s a very difficult school to get into. Moreso than past years. Every elite kid thinks they can’t get turned down anywhere and when someone has been so successful, it makes the defeat hard. Another family said - it seemed like a good target (they had a 1520 SAT) - but again, target is not safety. There have been with similar stats in CS (where it’s tracked) that have been turned down to UMASS and UMD - so it even happens at schools considered easier to get into.

You have schools that love you - and you’re smarter to love them back. Make sure you get your housing # if needed so you don’t get shut out - because it’s very possible you’ll be at one of them (I know you got into FSU and many already have their housing #).

If you appeal and it sounds like you want to, I would ensure you don’t offer up something that they don’t evaluate. I assume your Common App was loaded with activities so going from 10 to 14, etc. isn’t going to impact. Did you achieve something so insane that it will change the entire tenor of your app and wow the committee? But check the Common Data Set section C7 to ensure you are only including what is relevant to the school.

If you got into Florida, were you 100% going? You still have apps out to other schools.

It’s ok to get turned down somewhere. For kids that get in everywhere, in many ways it means they didn’t apply high enough (unless they were focused on a safety). You got into FSU and missed out on UF - that tells me you applied appropriately - and I’m still not sure you’re a no at Michigan LSA.

Unfortunately, we all face many obstacles (rejection) in life - and this is one of many times you will. But you will see, with hard work, focus and concentration, you’ll easily be able to move past and prosper.


The letter of continued interest is for UMich. You should reiterate your strong interest in attending if accepted and update them on your new accomplishments.

UF does not take Race into consideration.
UF does not admit by major

I think someone else replied, but that was meant for Michigan. Be confident, tell them how you will make a difference at their school. they want to know what you will bring besides good grades and high scores. Stress your leadership, your areas of interest, things you are excited about contributing to
 Best of luck!!