<p>My friend is currently deciding whether to apply to Columbia ED or Stanford EA --- but the real question on his mind is whether or not he can get in. So, we are creating a chances thread to see what you guys think:</p>
<p>General Info:
Competitive Public School/Maryland</p>
Rank: 1/330</p>
<p>ACT: 33 (but retaking for a 34+... it's actually necessary for scholarship to UMiami med program)</p>
<p>SATII: Biology (760)... planning on taking World History and Math II</p>
<p>AP: Biology (5), US Government (5), Human Geograph (Self Study-5). </p>
<p>Also taking 6 more this year (including psych self-study) and 5 APs senior year</p>
<p>Now that application time looms ever nearer, can anyone offer any advice on how to increase chances at Stanford?</p>
<p>wow! good job...Great EC's, grades and test scores-make sure to take the SAT I's just to see the score. Do a sport is the only thing I can see you don't have I think.</p>
<p>Does your friend know you're giving out her/his information, even if anonymously?</p>
<p>Anyway, it has common points with many successful profiles. As long as the coming summer is just as stellar, it's in range. Good Luck to the friend!</p>
<p>By the way, how many of those positions are current? Will there seriously be enough mental and chronological resources to pursue all of that at once? A well-defined focus to talk about should help.</p>
<p>right. I would not recommend ED unless you are absolutely sure, but do apply somewhere early. Many schools' rates are slightly higher for EA, rather than RD.</p>
<p>Apply to Stanford imo. I honestly think he can get into Columbia ED or regular decision. No need to do anything binding. Chances slightly better at Stanford where he will probably have a more difficult time getting in.</p>