<p>Saw this in the Columbia thread and thought it was a cute idea. </p>
-look at online catalogs for sweaters (:
-eat the pint of butter pecan ice cream I bought just for this scenario (Why yes, I do happen to be one of those people who need comfort foods. Thank god I never gain weight!)
-go to the movies with my friends</p>
-go to sleep
-try to finish my other apps</p>
<p>so i have decided that either way im crying… and either way im eating a lot of icecream… haha… this was my reach school, and my dream… i really hope i can get in. Good luck to everyone else!!</p>
<p>Accepted: Really excited and run tell the family then start calling/txting all my friends</p>
<p>Deferred: Dejectedly talk it over with parentals and text my closest friends telling them it was a rough night, that i didnt get in, and to leave me alone.</p>
<p>Rejected: Angrily tear down all my Duke posters and paraphenalia from the walls of my room. (Im from NC so I have wanted to go to Duke since I was like 2 = lots of posters and duke stuff) Then get all my Duke hoodies and t-shirts and burn them in the fireplace. Finally, do what I thought I would never do and decide to attend UNC-Chapel Hill. (My safety as an in-state student)</p>
<p>And the last two suck even worse because I have to wake up Friday morning and go tell all my so-so friends (aquaintances) i dont talk to outside of school, as well as the teachers, coaches, and counselors at my school that I didnt get in because they are all really excited as well.</p>
<p>Yeah, it’d be so stressful if we get rejected because so many of our friends, teachers, and family members are expecting us to get in. Being in NC probably makes it worse because Duke is more well known here. Now I kinda regret telling people that I applied ED… <em>sigh</em></p>
-calling a list of people (yes, there’s a list of people who expects me call them if I get in; so much pressure…)</p>
-cry it all out
-have the talk with parents
-contact some of my closest friends (so they won’t be asking me excitedly the next day)
-chocolate as comfort food</p>
-extremely sad
-sleep through this sad night
-pull myself together to go through the next 4 months</p>
<p>Mad props to goldgun200 and Number2 for possibly the greatest posts in the history of collegeconfidential.</p>
<p>In all seriousness, good luck tomorrow everyone! I hope to see you guys here in Durham this fall. It’s finals week here at Duke, and I find it kind of ironic that you are all dreaming to come here, while we’re all dreaming to get the hell out lol.</p>
<p>At Duke, Number2 would be that freshman who drinks his first beer the first night at Duke and becomes a raging alcoholic.
He would pledge a fraternity and get even more drunk there.
He would make a fuss when he graduates when he sees he is ranked 2/1500, instead of 1/1500.</p>
<p>Accepted-SCREAM F*** YEAH run around my house screaming, call my friends and brag brag brag</p>
<p>Rejected- Gather all my Duke things including my denial letter and throw them into a pot…Take the pot outside and empty all the lighter fluid I have in my shed into it and start a bonfire…</p>
<p>When my father or friends ask about Duke’s decision, I’ll say I never applied