What would be best?

I’m currently attending a small private women’s college that I like and I’m doing well in my classes but they don’t offer nursing as a major. Should I continue with my degree at my current college and apply to an accelerated BSN program after receiving my first degree? Or transfer to another university/college that offers a undergraduate BSN program after completing my general education classes and prerequisites for nursing school?
Thanks for the help!

I would apply for transfers to keep my options open. That will allow you to make a decision later.

If you do an accelerated BSN program, you will probably be paying full sticker price. Most merit aid programs are limited to incoming freshman, and most government aid programs are limited to 8 semesters and your first bachelors degree. You will also be missing out on 15 to 18 months of income while you are doing a second degree.

In any case, I would look at the prerequisites for transfer programs and the typical BSN curriculum and try to complete as many of those courses as possible at your current college. Even if you do an accelerated BSN program, it will be helpful to have already completed many of the courses. You should be able to complete all of the science, stats, sociology, psychology, etc. classes at your current college.

I would recommend finishing your general education and nursing pre req classes and then transferring. It’ll be the cheaper option because you’ll be in school for a shorter amount of time. Just beware that some colleges might not accept a couple pre req classes from any schools but their own, or they’ll make you take an extra class to make up for it.

For example, at my college, almost everyone transferring in has to retake chemistry even if they took it at another college. Our chem class is actually “nursing chem” and has a different curriculum than regular chem, so that’s why. People who don’t want to retake chem at my college after transferring in have to take organic chem in addition to regular chem before applying. It’s pretty confusing and annoying but just beware that that might happen depending on where you apply.

Still, I’d recommend finishing all your general education and pre req classes before transferring because it’ll save you time and money in the long run. Even if you end up being a semester behind because the college you transfer to makes you take some classes there, at least you’ll know that you’re majoring in something that you love and can get a job in right after finishing college. Good luck! :slight_smile: