what would be some good ec's for me???

<p>So I'm a sophomore, and I only have about three things that I do, not including athletics. I want to be a lawyer, and hopefully a politician, and am really interested in like politics, international relations.....etc. What would be some good ec's fro me???</p>

<p>Does your school have a model UN club?</p>

<p>Model UN, debate team/competition, mock trial, maybe get on the school newspaper if you can, intern/volunteer for a local politician of your preferred party. Any volunteer work will be good-- food banks, homeless shelters, tutoring. Run for Student Council or class elections or whatever it is at your school-- leadership positions will look good.</p>

<p>model UN!! And maybe a debate team or mock trial. Check with your friends to find out if ur school has theseā€¦ otherwise, start ur on own club!</p>

<p>assist the Government in taking out terrorists.</p>