what would my guidance counselor put if i take these classes?:

<p>okay… so</p>

<p>i took the highest possible classes all of freshman year, sophomore year, and junior year</p>

<p>this year, my senior year, i layed off the hard classes cuz i wanted time to do college applications</p>

<p>so, i’m only taking 2 out of a possible 4 ap classes, and the rest are college classes. i am taking two classes less than most of my high-achieving friends.</p>

<p>what would the guidance counselor check off for courseload?</p>

<li>Most demadning</li>
<li>Very demanding?</li>
<li>somewhat demanding</li>


<p>Probably very demanding but the colleges will notice that you are slacking this year.</p>

<p>Who knows? We can't give you exact answers on what your counselor is going to do...</p>

<p>Go in and ask your GC what how he/she will rate your schedule. You have evey right to know before you spend money applying to specific colleges. My son asked his GC and got an answer on the spot from her.</p>