<p>My son was lucky enough to get into UCLA Honors and also Berkeley, but only for Spring 2009. What would you do? He plans to go on to grad school, so what do you think would be a better choice considering that? He doesn't know what he wants to major in yet, but is leaning toward science journalism (he's interested in both journalism and biology).</p>
<p>I am going to post this also on the UCLA forum, as I might get a different set of answers there. Thanks everyone, for your insight.</p>
<p>Both have very different environments. I think it's a matter where he'd feel most at home as, really, both schools are great. One perk of UCLA Honors though is the priority enrollment for classes, which is a real benefit.</p>
<p>I think he would still be finding it difficult had he been admitted in Fall. He's thinking that UCLA really wanted him and that Cal is just being so-so. We all want to go where we are really wanted, right? That sentiment may go a long way with him.</p>
<p>I think that sentiment is certainly a reasonable one. I see nothing wrong in going with that feeling. Being a Spring admit has its downsides.</p>
<p>If you had said, he always really wanted to go to Cal, I'd say put up with the spring admit, it's not that big a deal. But if it would be a toss-up anyway, I think the UCLA Honors puts it over the top to UCLA.</p>
<p>I am also assuming that for his intended major(s) there isn't much difference between the schools.</p>
<p>ucla honors (no offense to anyone) is not a big deal. close to half the admits get it.</p>
<p>being spring admit at berkeley is not bad at all, but i understand that someone might want to go to the school where they felt more "wanted," and getting in as a spring admit would put you under the category of feeling like berkeley doesn't really want you.</p>
<p>Unless he's super stoked about Cal, I honestly wouldn't even consider being a Spring Admit. I'd hate the fact that I wasn't starting on the same page as everyone else.</p>
<p>If he wants to go to berk, then i would do the spring admit because it doesnt matter about "starting on the same page as everyone else." He could go to a community college and transfer his credit over for the spring. He would essentially be "on the same page" by having the same amount of units. Also, its a big school and no one knows the difference between spring and fall admits.</p>
<p>your son could do FPF at berkeley in the fall (see vicissitudes' sticky) and he would be starting on the same page as everyone. yes FPF differs from regular fall semester in a few aspects (such as going to class a block or two away from campus rather than right on the campus) but these aspects are--coming from someone who did FPF and is doing spring along with all regular fall admits right now--negligible.</p>
<p>in my opinion, this decision should be seen as choosing between UCLA honors and berkeley PERIOD rather than UCLA honors and Berkeley spring admit, because there is no big difference between starting berkeley in the spring rather than fall, and even less of a differene between starting berkeley in the regular fall semester and starting berkeley in FPF. it is very very very easy to graduate at the same time as the fall admits and you all get the same diploma in the end.</p>
<p>the only exception to this is if your son plans to take many sciencey and upper math classes, because these aren't offered in FPF...however, he could just do R&C and breadth requirements in FPF and easily catch up on those lab/math classes later. i think he can even petition to take those classes in the fall on campus; another exception is if living in a dorm his first year is important to your son...i myself got a dorm offer and don't know anyone in FPF who didn't get one, but housing is not guaranteed for FPF students so there is a slight chance your son might not live in the dorm</p>
<p>Congrats to your son!
You should seriously go visit both universities and decide which school environment your son will like! And spring admits is still an admit!</p>