what would you rather...?

<p>ok, so the idea of the game is to place two options, and ask the person below you what they would rather have. one of the options must be be about getting into yale.</p>

<p>i'll go first.</p>

<p>what would you rather?
$50,000 cash .. or an admittance to yale.</p>


<p>Your dream job, essentially why you’re even thinking about attending a college like Yale, with high pay, or YALE?</p>

<p>The job, of course.
Being a student at Yale. :)</p>

<p>Yale, or the chance to visit a populated neighboring galaxy for as long as you want?</p>

<p>yale… aliens scare the crap out of me</p>

<p>would you rather:
fall in love and have a happy marriage… or get into yale?</p>

<p>Wait, people who don’t get into Yale have happy marriages?
(el oh el jk, I’d pick the marriage.)</p>

<p>Become new Governor of Illinois even though you’ve never lived there, or get into Yale?</p>

<p>i intend to meet my glorious beloved at yale :D</p>

<p>Yale, I don’t think I’d be a good governor, at least not at this point in my life.</p>

<p>would you rather…get into Yale or win an Olympic gold in your favorite sport?</p>

<p>Olympic gold</p>

<p>Would you rather get into Harvard on a full scholarship or pay 200,000 at Yale?</p>

<p>haha ^GREAT question.
probably Harvard. 200,000 debt is alot…don’t hate me, guys!</p>

<p>Would you rather apply to Yale ONLY, or apply to as many places as you want but not to yale?</p>

<p>Ack, I guess I’d have to apply to as many other places. I’d rather have some sort of college career than get rejected by my only choice :P</p>

<p>Would you rather give up the Internet for the rest of your life, or get into Yale?</p>

<p>get into Yale, because then I COULD use the internet =P</p>

<p>…but if you meant Yale + no internet vs. internet + no Yale…</p>

<p>…i’d probably pick internet. Life would be really tough without it, and that would only be exacerbated as time goes on.</p>

<p>Would you rather…get into Yale or be able to eat whatever you want, for your whole life, and never get fat/high blood pressure/cholesterol?</p>

<p>Get into Yale!!! I have a decent metabolism, and I like jogging.</p>

<p>Would you rather get into Yale and never watch TV in college or be able to watch TV in college and be be at Yale?</p>

<p>i’d keep the internet. make no mistake, i love yale as much as the next SCEAr, but i dont think one can have a career, stay informed, keep in touch with distant people without the internet. AND HOW COULD I LIVE WITHOUT CC?!?! haha</p>


<p>go to yale or visit every country (that you wish) in the world at no cost?</p>

<p>YALE EaSiLy!!!</p>

<p>Would you rather:</p>

<p>Get into Yale, or get all your fingers chopped off ;)?</p>

<p>I think I’d rather get into Yale than have all my fingers chopped off.</p>

<p>If you meant get in and lose my fingers, or get rejected and keep my fingers intact, I’m afraid I’d have to choose my fingers. Life would be so inconvenient…</p>

<p>Haha, yes that is exactly what I meant :P.</p>

<p>Wouldn’t the obvious choice be to get into Yale??</p>

<p>Would you rather go to … let’s say… Northwestern and have a girl/boy friend or… go to Yale and not have a girl/boy friend??</p>

<p>Yale, and have a wholly female girlfriend instead of one who was half male and half female (girl/boy :P) haha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P…</p>

<p>would you rather…:</p>

<p>get into yale but have to chop off your reproductive organ (ouch), or not get into yale but get to keep little freddy?</p>

<p>yes, this is fun to me :P!</p>

<p>lol. You know what I meant. But okay… lol</p>

<p>I’ll keep little freddy on this one</p>

<p>Go to Yale, but live an apartment for the rest of your life. Or, go to Community College, but live in a mansion for 10 years and an apartment later?</p>

<p>Yale, and live in an apartment that is a huge amount of acres in New York City on the top of the Empire State Building :P.</p>

<p>Get into Yale but have to eat mash potatoes for the rest of your life, or not get into Yale and get all the food of any type you could ever imagine possible?!</p>