What You Wish You Knew Before Applying to College

<p>Now that the college app season is over (for me at least), I sort of wish I came to this part of CC to see the resources other fellow Hispanics have found/used. Like, I definitely would have studied harder for the PSAT and applied to more reaches (I applied to only 1 reach, rest were safeties/matches). And in some aspects I still have questions, like, do a lot of hispanics even apply to top universities, let alone HYPSM? </p>

<p>I live in the Bay Area and go to school in a predominantly white/asian community so while there's a lot of Hispanics here (in general in the bay) I don't know that many who actually apply to big universities. Maybe it's the cost, maybe it's the distance. </p>

<p>What do you wish you knew before applying to college?</p>

<p>Yes, many Hispanics apply to selective colleges, the competition is very stiff. However, there are still few applying relative to their representation in the general population.</p>

<p>One thing Hispanic students need to know (preferably significantly before applying) is about the opportunities available to them, such as summer programs and diversity flyins.</p>

<p>Much of what would be good to know is included in the Resources sticky thread.</p>