<p>why? i love women, im just happy i dont have to deal with the stuff they do...</p>
<p>Larry Summers would be proud.....:D</p>
<p>Yeah I must agree that being a girl is much harder than being a guy.</p>
<p>lol spyder, just an offtopic question, but how many universities are you planning to apply to?</p>
<p>in that case, you deserve to get accepted. :)</p>
<p>harvard early, yale, princeton, stanford, and as a safety... mit</p>
<p>spyder, you've done so much research that it seems that you should be applying to a major research university cough<strong><em>mit</em></strong>cough rather than harvard. i dont mean to critize you or anything but im just wondering, why do you want to go to harvard so bad?</p>
<p>i just wanna play ultimate frisbee there, mit's team is horrible...</p>
<p>seriously though, i know where youre coming from and trust me ive really thought a lot about this. when it comes down to it, research was pretty much just a good way for me to have fun while still insanely helping my college chances, until this year, i wasnt very into it, and even now that i like it a lot, its still something i want to do on the side. i most probably wont become a research scientist, i might not even major in sciences, though i prob will and im seriously considering business as a career.</p>
<p>also i spent the summer at mit for rsi and got to know the type of kids who decide to go there and to be honest, theyre not for me. you have to be really into school to do well at mit and im def not. harvard on the other hand, you can relax a bit and just explore what you want. also the people who go there are just a better fit than mit, im kinda into the party scene.</p>
<p>and id def be lying if i didnt mention that i wanted to be able to feign modesty and then bust out the H-bomb when people ask me where i go to college...</p>
<p>So much ws cleared up right there......</p>
<p>If you want freedom, you should go to Brown, but you probably think you're to good for it.....:D</p>
<p>"and id def be lying if i didnt mention that i wanted to be able to feign modesty and then bust out the H-bomb when people ask me where i go to college..."</p>
<p>Haha, I agree, going to Harvard is worth it just for that.</p>
<p>spyders too good for college</p>
<p>Go to Harvard just to boost your own ego?</p>
<p>I really disagree with that......</p>
<p>hahahaa Goldfish....</p>
<p>^ no doubtt</p>
<p>haha i knew someone was going to take some part of that to the extreme and be like ohh you should go here instead, i like harvard because of the combination.</p>
<p>and i couldnt apply to brown anyway, my best friend is applying there early and i dont want to jeapordize his chances</p>
<p>WOW....you don't want to jeapordize his chances?</p>
<p>That's pretty arrogant I have to say.......but it is an expected statement, coming from you that is.</p>
<p>"harvard early, yale, princeton, stanford, and as a safety... mit"</p>
<p>the sad thing is that I belive you're not kidding</p>
<p>"Go to Harvard just to boost your own ego?"</p>
<p>Actually, not really, but I like saying that because it's so simple. The long answer is that I want to be a part of the storied tradition of Harvard and mingle with some of the best minds of the world. Seriously, what student body will change the world more than the Harvard student body? </p>
<p>But, I really hate long answers. So for the record, I'm going to Harvard to stoke my GI-normous ego...</p>
<p>"my best friend is applying there early and i dont want to jeapordize his chances"</p>
<p>Hahahahaha, spyder you just might be the most conceited person on the CC boards. lol...</p>
<p>""WOW....you don't want to jeapordize his chances?</p>
<p>That's pretty arrogant I have to say.......but it is an expected statement, coming from you that is.""</p>
<p>why am i always defending myself? wow yourself, he knows im a better applicant than him, and he readily admits it, he'd be mad if i applied there early</p>
<p>you know kid, i dunno who you think you are, but you have no right to jump on everything i say and interpret it in your own twisted way. im going to laugh when you get rejected from rsi.</p>
<p>"im going to laugh when you get rejected from rsi."</p>
<p>That's mean.</p>
<p>lol arun this is getting too much.</p>
<p>yeah but im kinda mad, kinda really mad</p>