Whate are my chances at Wake Forest?

<p>white male from connecticut</p>

<p>3.75 unweighted GPA</p>

<p>15/190 class rank ~8% (64% were in top 10% in Wake's 2007 class)</p>

<p>Ideal grade progression</p>

<p>1370/2070 on SAT (Average SAT at Wake in 2007 was 1318 according to their website)</p>

<p>all honors classes and 3 out of 5 AP classes my school offers (Spanish, History, and Calculus)</p>

<p>I am a Wesleyan High School Scholar. As a result of this, Wesleyan allowed me to take a class tuition-free there, and I am currently taking "Principles of Chemistry I". I will hopefully be taking PoC II next semester.</p>

<p>Member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society</p>

<p>Former treasurer and current president of the International Culture Club</p>

<p>Creator, former president, former vice-president, and current secretary/treasurer of the Support Our Nation Club</p>

<p>Creator and VP of the Tutoring Club</p>

<p>About 45 hours of community service (I'm hoping my leadership in starting these clubs will negate this.)</p>

<p>Played frosh. basketball and football, and I currently play basketball in my school's recreation league.</p>

<p>What are you talking about dude? Wake Forrest isn’t Harvard… </p>

<p>I think Match. Your EC’s are just as good, probably better, than most people in school; don’t judge yourself based on all the “Chance me to HYPSM” threads out here. </p>

<p>Your SAT’s are fine for Wake. GPA could be higher, but it’s fine also.</p>

<p>Good extracurrics, decent test scores, pretty good GPA: I think you’ll get in =)</p>