<p>I have about 1400 words for my common application essay.
Will that tick off admission officers?</p>
<p>yes 10 chars</p>
<p>ok thanks, but whats 10 chars? its not 10 characters…</p>
<p>wat means 10 chars??</p>
<p>That seems kind of long to me. I would think you would be able to cut out some unnecessary material.</p>
<p>About 700 is fine. So if you cut the essay in half…</p>
<p>haha oh dear…
is anyone out there willing to read it over and give me any advice on reducing it?</p>
<p>There’s some advice here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-essays/25018-editing-your-college-essays.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-essays/25018-editing-your-college-essays.html</a></p>
<p>Thanks for that, birdhouse! I’ve just printed it. :)</p>
<p>When I saw the topic, I was thinking 700 words. 600-800</p>