**What's a profile of an "average" Brown accepted applicant?**

<p>Anyone who attends or was accepted can you please help me? I want to see if I have a solid chance or if it’s a reach.</p>


<p>Also does anyone have any advice for the essay topics? I really want the admissions people to get to know me as a person, academically and personally, but I don’t wanna write about my hardships (which I really have had my share of some) because I feel if I go that route, it’ll just be cliche.</p>

<p>any one???</p>

<p>Average ethnicity?</p>

<p>We need a stat roster like the Harvard board.</p>

<p>Probably have to enjoy dancing in the nude at the annual sex party!</p>

<p>This question is framed the wrong way.</p>

<p>If Brown has a target, I suspect it is to find students who can handle the freedoms of a Brown education AND make serious, unique use of these freedoms and opportunities. I suspect an applicant who evinces a very strong ability to do this might be forgiven for minor stat problems, whereas an applicant whose stats are superlative but who lacks this independence/passion would be passed over.</p>

<p>Secondarily, Brown wants a good variety of people/passions/abilities/backgrounds, to make for a lively blend on campus that will enrich everyone.</p>