What's EPGY?

<p>I just got a letter from Stanford for a program called EPGY and it is supposedly a summer program for the humanities, language, etc. It said that admission into the program is extremely competitive. </p>

<p>What is it? Is it worth anyone's time? (and $3,000+) I can't go anyway because I do tutoring during the summers...(and can't afford the cost)</p>

<p>Hey so did I (but it was some months ago). I think it's basically a summer program.</p>

<p>My friend did it two summers ago and had a great time. She made a lot of friends with similar interests, loved Stanford, and loved the classes she took. EPGY is basically a summer school program where people take can take college-level classes in a bunch of different areas. </p>

<p>If it's anything like Harvard SSP, it's not actually that competitive to get in. And it doesn't give anyone a significant boost in the admissions process. I think it's one of those programs that's worth your time if you can afford it, and you'll probably have a blast if you go, but at the same time, you're not really missing anything by not going.</p>

<p>And the moral of the question is???????????????gryffon</p>