<p>Positivity is occasionally lacking in CC, so, tell me, what's good? </p>
<p>Talk about anything you're excited for, anything you've accomplished recently, something good that happened to you today, et cetera.</p>
<p>I'm pumped for Warped Tour 2013 :). I didn't get go last year because I was at a summer program, but I'm definitely going again this year, summer program or not, haha.</p>
<li>My acne was really bad last week and it’s starting to clear up for some reason.</li>
<li>No school on Friday or Monday.</li>
<li>I am young and will probably live for many more years.</li>
<li>Today someone told me they think I’m funny and I don’t think they were being sarcastic.</li>
<li>I have good grades in 75% of my classes! </li>
<li>SAT scores in three days!</li>
<li><p>Good grades in 6/7 classes! (This thread was probably not really intended for school stuff but that’s the first thing that came to mind… Yeah, I know, it’s quite sad. </p></li>
<li><p>I was sick but I feel A LOT better today.</p></li>
<li><p>Not much homework or makeup work from when I was sick.</p></li>
<li><p>I thought of some positive things - I’m generally super pessimistic.</p></li>
<p>And, that’s all I could think of, because of #4.</p>
<p>Applied to another part time job (Application #41, but may be lucky), and will start learning some interesting math soon Mainly happy because of the math, not really expecting to get the job, but at least I was able to apply for something</p>
<p>We had area FBLA conference on Friday and I got 1st in my business law category, tied for 1st in the battle of the chapters trivia competition, and was inducted as the area secretary over 8 schools. I’m doing pretty darn good.</p>
<li>SAT scores soon!</li>
<li>My grades are still decent</li>
<li>No school Monday</li>
<li>Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran concert come May!</li>
<li>I tied for second place in an Algebra competition.</li>
<li>I got first place in a Social Studies competition.</li>
<li>I’m going to McDonald’s soon to celebrate.</li>
<li>I think I convinced my mom to help me fund for an iPad Mini.</li>
<p>•Church today was awesome! I left feeling a lot more inspired and fulfilled than I usually do.
•I don’t have work this week so I can get back into working out
•Senior pranks are coming up
•The weather is starting to warm back up. #floridaLYFE
•Excited to start college (AKA I’m ready to ditch the people in my hometown)</p>
<li>Failing chemistry. I have a 67. But its impossible for me now. I dont know anything about chemistry. </li>
<li>Stressing so much. Boyfriend + school work. People say not to be in a relationship during highschool but its too late for me. We’re deeply in love and we’ve been through too much to break up. I have to make timefor both school & relationship. </li>
<li>Getting low grades. Lower than 90. </li>
<li>Not doing so well in tests. </li>
<li>Everything is just bad.</li>
<p>-It’s closer to spring which means I’m one step closer to being on summer break and warmer weather.
-I haven’t procrastinated too much in AP World lately.
-I’m pretty satisfied with my current grades.</p>
<p>@Jessica: Sorry about your troubles; have you tried talking to somebody about your problems who can help you find some solutions? I made this thread to talk about the good so as to focus less on the bad. When you make an honest effort to think about what’s going right with your life (down to the littlest things… aka you’re breathing, the sun is shining, your new perfume smells good, dinner tasted amazing, whatever), the bad things often pale in comparison.</p>