What's Harder AP Chemistry or AP Bio?

<p>What's Harder AP Chemistry or AP Bio?
And Why?</p>

<p>Uh, AP Chem is 100x harder. I easily had a 93+ in AP Bio, I /BARELY/ have an 80 in AP Chem (may be a 79 now, I did poorly on a quiz today…) But that’s because my chem teacher doesn’t teach. He uses powerpoints from other books and teachers.</p>

<p>it depends.</p>

<p>Personally, I think Bio is a lot of memorizing, while chem isn’t. Perhaps, more math in chem. Also, it depends on the teacher.</p>

<p>AP Bio. So much **** to remember</p>

<p>It depends on the teacher. </p>

<p>I found chem harder to make good grades, but I absolutely love the class.</p>

<p>I am really bored in bio. I don’t do anything in the class, and end up with 100. And don’t get me wrong, I am not that good at bio. It’s just the we get huge curves on tests and no one tries in the class.</p>

<p>Chemistry is harder because the concepts are harder to grasp. Biology needs a lot of memorization. But if you’ve got the chem background down, the class is really a piece of cake.</p>

<p>Bio by far. It’s all memorization, no logic. And some of the subject matter is so boring (can you say taxonomy?).</p>

<p>In Chemistry, you get to make colors and heat things up. </p>

<p>In Bio, you look through microscopes to try to see things that just aren’t there.</p>

<p>^^ lmao.
hmm… I actually enjoy bio far more than chem.</p>

<p>bio is self-studyable.</p>

<p>chem is not so self-studyable.</p>

<p>Bio - I actually have to study for it.</p>

<p>Chem was a breeze for me since im good at math-based analytical stuff, BIO IS MURDER for me since im terrible at memorization. for many people its the opposite- depends whether your strength is the analysis or the memorization</p>

<p>AP Chem…its so random and strange…</p>

<p>AP Chem is definitely harder</p>

<p>Chem… there’s a lot of equations</p>

<p>In my hs, the sciences are considered to go like this, from easiest to hardest: bio < physics < chem.</p>

<p>yeaaa. Physics is hard because of the concepts, chem is hard because of the teacher, and bio is just fine because it’s rote memorization.</p>

<p>AP Chem is ridiculous compared to AP Bio. Both are interesting, but chemistry requires a truly intense dedication, plus a good teacher to kick your butt into gear…or into a bad grade…</p>

<p>AP Bio, I pretty much slept my way through it…I still find Bio more interesting than Chem though.</p>

<p>AP Physics C is way harder than AP Chem. It’s calculus plus physics.</p>

<p>I don’t know. I didn’t try at all in AP Chem, got a high A and got a 5. I even enjoyed the AP Chem exam last year.</p>

<p>AP Bio I took for a month and then dropped it because it wasn’t worth spending hours and hours of time just to memorize facts.</p>

<p>Chem is a lot harder in my school because the teacher is insane, whereas the Bio teacher makes everything interesting and always makes sure that we’re prepared for tests.</p>

<p>As everyone has already said, if you’ve got a photographic memory, Bio is a walk in the park. Chem is more analytical.</p>

<p>biology is a lot of memorization for the most part.</p>

<p>i was a lot better at chemistry, although i was more interested in it.</p>