<p>We all know the theory that there's a formula for college admissions-- good grades, high test scores and well-rounded ECs. Is there anything on your application that doesn't fit the profile?</p>
<p>My example: I have zero community service. Like zilch.</p>
<p>Reason? Completely uninterested, or at least in my current opportunities for it. </p>
<p>So what's yours? Do you not play sports or aren't a member of NHS?</p>
<p>No awards or honors, like none. No AP Scholar, no national merit, no nationwide, no statewide, no citywide, no district awards, no NHS…none =)…T-T</p>
<p>Reasons? All-nighter before PSAT (to do project), full schedule during junior year (only was able to take 1 AP), school does not give out awards, and i have no distinctive talent to grab me an award…though I never really was informed about any.</p>
<p>No research or any sort of “big project” that most over-achievers seem to have… like a fundraiser for poor, deaf children who have fallen into manholes</p>
<p>i’ve played volleyball pretty much forever so the sports thing is okay for me, i’m hoping to play university volleyball too… but i don’t know
i guess my “lacking” thing is the community service as well. if I start now, like in February, (I’m a junior) and start applying to colleges in the fall, do you think that would boost my chances?
i’m an honors student as well and most of my courses (except English and Physics) are IB…</p>
<p>I wonder if community service is over-rated? Son got in to Amherst ED this year…no commuity service at all. It just doesn’t interest him to serve at our church, do Habitat, go to the homeless shelter etc. What he did show on his resume was a dedicated interest in one main activity he loves and how his passion for that kept him doing it for 4 years in HS. </p>
<p>However, he does have a great GPA, class rank and scores to go with it. Had a few awards…but didn’t even apply to National Honor Society because he knew he wouldn’t do the community service hours his school requires. Didn’t seem to hurt him as far as getting into Amherst.</p>
<p>^^ Didn’t hurt me for Northwestern, the only service I begrudgingly do is for NHS… Had to to be treasurer. </p>
<p>I think people over-value community service, most of it seems to be resume padding. I wasn’t interested, so I didn’t pursue it. However, I do respect those that have a passion for it.</p>
<p>Zero community service as well. Like people said, sports are time consuming. There aren’t enough hours in the day for me to handle my hw and practice, let alone other things.</p>