What's so good about Brown?

<p>I’ve been looking at Brown, and other it being an Ivy, why do you believe it is a good school?</p>

<p>Ivy level academics without some of the mentality that seems to have become associated with it, complete openness to anything I could imagine, diverse, you get to truly craft your own education. I don’t know, I have more trouble finding things I didn’t like about it lol.</p>

<p>I’m not applying, but from what I know, it has an awesome open curriculum.</p>

<p>Don’t Brown students also have the option of making ALL their courses P/F? That sounds so great… although I know most don’t do it.</p>

<p>Also, the Brown Noser is AWESOME!</p>

<p>Student92, Why do u dislike Brown?</p>

<p>these words “the hippy of the ivy league” did it for me. intellectual adventure and passion but still friendly people and collaborative atmosphere. plus, a nice location.</p>

<p>Err, Iwannagotobrown, that was a positive post for why I like Brown? I’m actually applying there</p>