What's special about UPenn's engineering program?

<p>What's special about UPenn's engineering program?</p>

<p>Biomed and CIS are among the top programs in the country. </p>

<p>Other than that, it’s got the extra boost of being an ivy.</p>

<p>I’m not really sure to be honest. My tour guide mentioned it as an afterthought, really. I had no idea so many people applied.</p>

<p>dmd is at the top too</p>

<p>it’s good prep for any number of careers, not just engineering</p>

<p>(lots go to law, med, business careers)</p>

<p>Only 10% of ED applicants applied. It’s second to nursing for the lowest number of applicants at Penn.</p>

<p>it’s also second to nursing for being the smallest school here</p>

<p>don’t really get how that makes engineering more or less special</p>

<p>ask me in a year lol. i mean biomed engineering is popular</p>

<p>bioengineering is peachy</p>

<p>what’s special about penn engineering: [Career</a> Services, University of Pennsylvania](<a href=“http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/seas/surveys.html]Career”>http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/seas/surveys.html)</p>

<p>…especially compared to these: [Career</a> Services, University of Pennsylvania](<a href=“http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/wharton/surveys.html]Career”>http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/wharton/surveys.html)</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of CIS at Penn being highly regarded (but that’s awesome if it’s true!).</p>

<p>EDIT: Mattwonder I’ve never seen those before but those stats are amazing.</p>

<p>Compared to other engineering schools, a lot of Penn SEAS students take advantage of Penn’s interdisciplinary opportunities to get themselves some more liberal arts/business experience–relatively more of them go into higher-paying professions than “pure” engineering as they are more valuable than that ;)</p>

<p>^well yeah the surveys convey that pretty well (10 year surveys reported very high salaries)…but, how hard is it to get the high GPA that’s needed to make it into the top companies? I heard you want at least a 3.4 to have a shot at getting a job out of college and the SEAS average is a 2.8 :(.</p>

<p>nj<em>azn</em>premed, GPA is not as important as you may think for some jobs. I’d say 2.8 is low, but you can get a good-paying job with a 3.0+. GPA. It will be harder to get some interviews, but once you get interviews, everything depends on the interview.</p>