Whats the average wait for transfer admission?

<p>I applied yesturday and I was wondering when I will hear back. Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about transfer students. I do know the deadline is March 15th for transfer admissions.
I think a lot depends on what college you want to transfer into and what your gpa is…
I know several of the colleges are very competitive for transfer students, College of Business and College of Architecture are two examples.</p>

<p>I applied for engineering. Some say they don’t hear back until April, but I hopefuly beat the rush.</p>

<p>It was the middle of May when I got mine last year.</p>

<p>Wow. That is really late. They really dont give you a chance to apply for housing and scholarships do they…?</p>

<p>I got mine in May also, but I applied really late (within days of the deadline).</p>

<p>i was told that your application will be process and file but wont be sent to the department until after the deadline. the department will then schedule a meet and sit down together to evaluate your application. So, you are looking at aproximately 3 weeks after the deadline to receive the acceptance/denied letter mail/email. There are also a priority deadline which I know is for international student, but wasnt sure if it also work for regular student. good luck. i am also applying there at this moment.</p>