<p>Whats the best college for Business , Web Design, Programming, Computer Science?</p>
<p>Is MIT good for that?</p>
<p>Whats the best college for Business , Web Design, Programming, Computer Science?</p>
<p>Is MIT good for that?</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon if you want the applied aspect more. MIT has top-notch business and computer science, but it's tough to make the computer science track.</p>
<p>You won't find separate classes for web design and programming at any respectable university. Those are left to trade schools and community colleges. Programming will be integrated into introductory computer science. Web design will be covered in IT clases probably.</p>
<p>You don't go to a college for "web design" and "programming" though. Especially not MIT!</p>
<p>I mean but MIT is better than Carnegie Mellon??</p>
<p>They're tied for 1st in Computer Science. Each is better for different aspects. CMU may be more project-based and hence better for direct employment after school. (MIT grads are sometimes too theoretical for businesses).</p>
<p>In business, MIT is ranked higher, though. CMU is a major player but just not as strong.</p>