What's the deal with extended housing?

While I was looking at some of the dorm layouts online, I noticed some were titled “extended housing”. One image (I can’t remember in which dorm) showed the layout as 4 beds crammed into a room with only 3 closets and 2 desks. Others have 3 beds and only 2 closets in a room that looked like it was intended to be a double. Are students put into these kinds of rooms often? it seems like a rip off for how much housing costs…

I just looked and see what you mean. Two desks and two closets for three students, that’s not acceptable. I will not be happy if my son gets in a room like that. It will probably influance his decision of which college he chooses.

It’s ridiculous! They advertise their great dorms but having to share an already small closet and not having a desk is irresponsible of the school. My guess is those types of rooms open up is if more students choose to attend the school than what they expected. I would think that those dorms also cost significantly less so they may be an optional thing for students with financial struggles. Let me know if you find out any more info about them…

My daughter attends TCU as a freshman. Extended housing is exactly that: putting three in a double. It is exactly that reason: more accept then expected. But, that is happening across the US in a lot of schools. Please know that 1) things tend to shake out and a lot end up as doubles due to attrition 2) you do get a discount if this happens to you 3) TCU is opening two more halls in the Fall 2019 to upper classmen, which should help with impacted housing. My daughter got lucky and ended up in a single as part of a suite, but she also said on her application that she would be willing to stay in upper classmen housing, so it gave her more options. Her whole floor is freshman singles in “suites” but in a sophomore dorm. Additionally, she didn’t have a pre-selected roommate, so she had more inventory available to her (didn’t have to find a room that had two open spaces) and she didn’t pick single gender halls. The pickier you are, the less selection you are offered when your lottery appointment comes available. Lastly, their dorms are all very nice, rated as one of the top in the nation.

More food for thought: sometime people put in one of those free standing closets for additional room. The extended rooms are usually the ones that are already oversized. The most interesting thing is I’ve heard more stories about people putting themselves on the housing waiting list to move out of a “forced” triple, but when something comes available they decide they don’t want to move: they have bonded with their roommates and it doesn’t really bother them anymore. I’ve heard that happen more than I would have expected.

As far as desks: 30 years ago, I don’t think I ever used my desk to study. The common conversation among the current parent chat groups now is that their kids either sit on their bed with their laptop or go to the library. Most girls use their desk as a vanity/makeup area, guys use it for gaming ?. I’m sure there are exceptions.

Q: What is the Extended Housing Room Selection?
A: The Extended Housing Room Selection is an opportunity for incoming freshmen with a completed housing application
to select their housing assignment before the general housing selection. Housing in a particular hall and/or with a
particular roommate(s) cannot be guaranteed. The spaces available during the Extended Housing Room Selection are in
extended triples, extended quads and converted lounges and come at a $1,000 discount, per person, for the length of
time you are in extended housing.
Q: Is the Extended Housing Room Selection required?
A: The Extended Housing Room Selection is optional. You are welcome to participate and secure your housing now
or you may wait and participate in the general room selection on Saturday, June 29, which will offer traditional housing
spaces as well as the remaining extended housing spaces unclaimed during the May 23 process.
Q: Will I have the same timeslot for both Room Selection events?
A: No, you will be sent a new Timeslot if you wish to participate in the June 29 Room Selection.
Q: What is the setup of the extended housing rooms?
A: Extended Triples are double rooms that will accommodate three residents. Each will have an XL-Twin bed, but share
closets, desks and storage space. Extended Quads are triple rooms that will accommodate four residents. Each will have
an XL-Twin bed, but share closets, desks and storage space. Converted Lounges are converted study rooms that look
very similar to traditional rooms and can accommodate 2, 3 or 4 residents; however, do not contain a sink inside the
room. Each will have an XL-Twin bed, but share closets, desks and storage space.
Q: How do I update my Roommate(s) preference?
A: You and your preferred roommate(s) can create a Roommate Group when the housing app reopens in early June. You
will then receive a timeslot for the June 29 process. Housing in a particular hall and/or with a particular roommate(s)
cannot be guaranteed.
Q: What should I do when my Room Selection Timeslot occurs?
A: To view a step-by-step tutorial of the Room Selection process, please visit: www.housing.tcu.edu. To make the
process as smooth as possible, please use a computer (not a smart phone or mobile device) and update to the latest
version of Internet Explorer or Chrome.

link: http://rlh.tcu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Incoming-FY-Extended-Housing-Room-Selection-FAQs.pdf

Extended housing=putting more kids in a room than it was originally intended.
They give you $1000 per semester discount. My child got stuck in one and desperately wants out!