What's the difference between Fall 2009 semester and Spring 2010?

<p>what's the difference between getting admitted to the fall 2009 semester or spring 2010 semester? i wasn't aware colleges did that. i thought it was either you were rejected or accepted. and since i was accepted into a spring 2010 class, why wasn't i just rejected?</p>

<p>bummmppp bummmppp…anyone??</p>

<p>I only know of state unis that do this. They know that a certain number of students will drop out after first semester. One of Ds friends who got accepted a flagship for Sping went to loca public college for one semester.</p>

<p>This happened to at least 2 kids in my son’s class of 65. Both were private schools. I hadn’t heard of it before, either. One student enrolled at the local university for a semester and the other worked.</p>

<p>Many schools do not have freshman spring admissions and many do who offer it to those that they decide do not quite make the cut for fall but still appear to be decent candidates. It is simply up to you whether you want to wait a semester or just go elsewhere.</p>

<p>my friend had to do it for CAL, but he said that he still attending fall quarter classes, just not “officially”.</p>

<p>PS, My Ds friend did just fine socially, as our HS sends so many kids to the flagship U, he went up for a few weekends in the fall. One of the other kids in our HS school lost his roommate so the late guy got that spot. He lost no credits in “transfer”, first school was part of state system just not flagship.</p>

<p>Middlebury does this as well; and I just heard that Duke has spring admits (but can’t confirm). Besides drop-outs, many kids do study abroad in spring which frees up dorm space for a few more Frosh.</p>

<p>thanks guys.</p>