What's the difference?

<p>The two majors, chemistry/ biochemistry and biochemistry/ chemistry, are offered through the chemistry department. That's all fine, but what is the difference between the two? Also, we don't have to take a language during fall quarter do we? We can take it over the summer at a junior college right?</p>

<p>no they're not the same. one is from the chem dept, the other through the bio dept.</p>

<p>biochem (chem dept): requires 20 series math, 2 series physics, more chem classes</p>

<p>biochem/cell bio (bio dept): 10 series math, 1 series physics, more bio classes</p>

<p>i'd say the bio dept version is easier on the basis of what math and physics are required, but that said, if you enjoy chem classes, the chem dept version is probably more for you.</p>

<p>no you don't have to take a language. you can take it anytime you want and wherever you want</p>

<p>well, by the way you phrased it ("chemistry/ biochemistry and biochemistry/ chemistry"), there IS no difference. visiting the chem department website reveals that the formal name of the major is biochemistry/chemistry, but the students mix it up according to their own quirks (i find it easier to say chem/biochem because it designates my department first) and as long as you don't mention the biology department, you're good to go.</p>

<p>language requirement - i would assume that you ARE in a college with one, yes?</p>

<p>Yes, I'm going to attend Revelle college.</p>