What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Beef. My mother/grandmother would either boil all life out of a roast, or place beef patties in a skillet and push on them with a spatula until there was not a single drop of juices left.

As an adult I learned that properly cooked beef can be a revelation. We spent a week in Alberta last year and had to take a night or two off from eating beef, to give my arteries a break!


I didn’t think much of steak as a kid because it was always served to me (or I would order it…) medium-well.

On one restaurant trip, I overheard someone ordering their steak medium-rare. They seemed pretty excited about it. So I too ordered mine medium-rare. And it was wonderful – tender, juicy, flavorful. Melted in my mouth.

Now, I love steak, and I order it M-R every time. When I cook it on a grill, I try to at least never cook it past medium. That’s when it starts drying up, on its way to becoming a hockey puck at well done.


As a kid every Sunday at the noon meal (after church) we would have roast beef or steak. My favorite memory was not the steak but the juices on the steak plate - I think my mom would broil the steak? Mom allowed me to soak up the juices with white bread. I can still taste it!!!


Growing up, my BF always said she hated steak, and I thought that was incredible because 1) who could afford steak? 2) the couple of times I had a taste of it, I thought it was amazing.

Turns out, her mom mom always referred to liver steak as “steak,” which she couldn’t stand. She didn’t know there was any other kind until much later in life.

When my kid discovered rare burgers on a school trip to Europe, it was a revelation. Of course the other girls on the trip thought they were “gross”. But she came back all “Americans overcook their burgers, it’s a travesty” (insert Fleur reference here for Harry Potter fans…)

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Huh? Where I live most people like their burgers rare or at least MR. My kids didn’t even know some people ( hardly all Americans) cook burgers to death until they went home with friends in less urban areas.


I eat steak, filet of beef type stuff medium rare, but not burgers. I want burgers cooked more.


Yeah. Kid grew up in a non-urban area…and when she traveled to urban areas, tended not to order burgers, since at home, rurally, they were one of the only things on restaurant/fast food menus, and she wanted to try different things. So Spain was the first rare burger for her…

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There’s a lot of talk of red meat consumption here. Have you folks heard about the “Healthy Habits” thread we have here on CC? :rofl:

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It’s not healthier when it’s rare? You know, European diet and all? :wink:

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A smells-like-vomit variety of cheese (I think Italian?). At my cousin’s christening backyard party, somebody brought some. My Swedish grandmother commented that she kept looking at her shoe to see if she had stepped in something.

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Does this show up for y’all?