What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Fried mushrooms. My dad fried them up many mornings and the smell gagged me. I still am suspicious about mushrooms.

Same experience with tongue here – liked it before I realized what it was.

Back in the 1960’s when everyone was expected to have a stay at home mom, we all went home for lunch in elementary school. My mother never could think of anything to feed me so every day, for years, I only ever had a grilled cheese sandwich or a PBJ. Fifty years on, I never eat either sandwich. Don’t hate them, but I am still sick of them.


Sardines (Dad used to eat them out of the can!)… oh how that smell gets me

Salmon Croquettes (Mom made on Fridays during Lent)


canned baked beans

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Limburger cheese and this nasty sandwich meat that looked like bologna with chunks of other things in it. My dad was German and he had this every Saturday morning.


Ditto milk. :nauseated_face: I recall as a child once taking a spoonful of cereal only to taste a mouthful of sour milk :face_vomiting:. I was probably a young teenager the last time I drank a glass of milk, and don’t take milk at all now.

Ditto yogurt. In my childhood yogurt consisted of sour smelling clumps in a watery sour smelling broth. My mother stirred it together into a slightly less lumpy concoction and called it “tangy”. I called it :nauseated_face:.

Ditto runny scrambled eggs. :nauseated_face:

Okra. I’m told there’s a way to cook it to avoid the slimy coating of mucous, but I’ll pass, thank you very much.

Marshmallow anything.

Was it olive loaf?

Not olive loaf. I totally forget the name. It looked disgusting. Like it had chunks of something in it.


Not mortadella.

I’m thinking it was head cheese.:nauseated_face: My Limburger eating grandfather also liked that. Just thinking about either makes me nauseous.


Swanson’s chicken pot pies. The limp peas and carrots floated in the gravy part and there wasn’t much chicken. There were many long faces at the table the nights my mother served that.

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Another vote for liver and onions, and lima beans as the worst foods ever. Though I’d forgotten about canned beets, they were high up on the list.

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Yes. For some reason they just never looked appealing to me.

Another vote for liver and onions! Lima beans (that waxy coating was the worst), canned creamed corn (what the heck?), and finally - the popular St. Patrick’s Day meal of corned beef and cabbage. Thankfully, I haven’t seen any of these foods since the 1970s (or maybe 80s).

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I :heart: beets. Shredded cooked beets, finely chopped apple, walnuts, and a little sour cream. Yum.

My husband said there was a “beet/boyfriend correlation.” The kids’ boyfriends that wrinkled their noses at my borscht did not last… :wink:

Love the correlation (and I love borscht too!)

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Oh no! Okra is my favorite!

This is a great thread. So interesting how some of my favorites are other people’s horrors, and vice versa!

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I dislike the taste of cilantro. By the way, sweetbreads are neither sweet nor made from grain.

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Anything with hard-boiled eggs. To this day, they make me gag and I won’t allow anything with hard-boiled eggs in the house. Revolting.

(No Easter egg hunting for me when I was a kid either.)

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