What's the homepage on your computer?

<p>i use google.</p>



<p>lol!!! i watch that channel (al jazeera) it’s not that bad actually…considering that i don’t have any cable over here. But i hate how they rerun a lot of their programs too much.</p>

<p>Safari: Default (apple.com)
Firefox: Default (Basically google.com)
Chrome: Default (screen with 6 of my top sites)</p>

<p>Firefox default. I’m not the only one using this computer, so it’s not like I can just set it to a giant image of Matt Smith or something.</p>

<p>^^^^ I lurk the PotDer occasionally, yet I seldom post on it</p>

<p>Yahoo. </p>


<p>My homepage is the 404 error. My internet doesn’t work :(</p>

<p>It looks like [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.zsolt-frei.net/Gcat_htm/Uguide/white.gif]this[/url”&gt;http://www.zsolt-frei.net/Gcat_htm/Uguide/white.gif]this[/url</a>].</p>

<p>Blank/New Tab?</p>

<p>It used to be [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.nsa.gov/]this[/url”&gt;http://www.nsa.gov/]this[/url</a>], but now it’s google.</p>

<p>google, until I read this thread</p>




<p>BBC news on the laptop, ny times global edition on the desktop.</p>

<p>Changed it…</p>


<p>a picture of your house…</p>

<p>jk, it’s just google</p>

<p>^^ wow… how do you even tolerate that?
maybe I’m just OCD…</p>

<p>NY Times…</p>

<p>Countdown until I graduate high school in June 2012, but the exact date is unknown so it’s just June 1st:</p>

<p>[Countdown</a> to Jun 1, 2012 in Columbus](<a href=“Time since Jun 1, 2012 started in Columbus, Ohio”>Time since Jun 1, 2012 started in Columbus, Ohio)</p>

<p>Mine is Fast Dial which is a Firefox add on that allows you to store 9 top site for easy access. Looks just like Chrome.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to take a screenshot</p>